Herpes During Pregnancy

Herpes During Pregnancy
Herpes During Pregnancy

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Herpes during pregnancy

Methods for treating herpes during pregnancy
Methods for treating herpes during pregnancy

The herpes virus belongs to a group of extremely common infections. Once it has entered the human body, it actually does not leave it, making the person a virus carrier. With a weakening of immunity, the virus manifests itself as an outbreak of the disease, then calming down again for the time being. It is known that many viral infections have an adverse effect on the course of pregnancy and directly on the fetus, sometimes leading to developmental abnormalities or abortion. What to do with herpes during pregnancy?

In this case, it is advisable to take measures in advance. That is why doctors recommend that couples take a responsible approach to conceiving a child and undergo a medical examination before that, and if necessary, a course of treatment. In practice, pregnancy is quite often unplanned, and sometimes even when planning to conceive, future parents do not consider it necessary to consult a doctor in advance. In this case, as a rule, herpes is detected when a woman becomes an obstetrician at the antenatal clinic.

This situation is somewhat more complicated, since not only the herpes virus can damage pregnancy, but also antiviral drugs can cause various side effects. However, treatment is still necessary, since the risk of untreated herpes during pregnancy is much higher. Despite the fact that it is not currently possible to completely cure the virus, the harm from herpes during pregnancy can be minimized.

Using antiviral drugs and adjusting the patient's lifestyle, doctors ensure that the immune system is strengthened, and the virus, although it does not leave the body, is in an inactive state, unable to cause serious harm. Here you should be warned against self-treatment of herpes during pregnancy. Antiviral drugs are not among those that can be taken on the advice of friends or guided by advertising, especially for women in position. All appointments should be made only by a doctor.

Herpes during pregnancy
Herpes during pregnancy

The herpes virus can appear in different areas of the mucous membrane, but most often it appears on the lips (labial herpes) or genitals (genital herpes). All types of herpes are dangerous during pregnancy, but the risks of genital herpes during pregnancy are higher, since it is possible for a child to become infected with an infection during the passage of the birth canal during childbirth. In this case, additional measures are needed to avoid this.

Summing up the above, we can conclude that herpes during pregnancy is a problem, but not a tragedy, and with the right and responsible approach, it can not harm either the mother or the child.

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