Migraine during pregnancy

Migraine refers to diseases that often accompany a person throughout his life. As you know, women suffer from migraines much more often than men. Surprising fact: migraines during pregnancy usually go away even in patients with considerable experience. The reason for this is a change in hormonal balance and specific inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex. Therefore, pregnancy can be considered a migraine relief factor.
However, there are cases when migraines during pregnancy, on the contrary, worsen. As a rule, this can occur during the first trimester, and be accompanied by other symptoms of toxicosis. Usually there is some factor that provokes the development of a migraine attack. These factors are different for different people, the most common are the following: the use of red wine, aged cheese, chocolate, fish of the mackerel family. It can also be a lack of sleep or, on the contrary, excessive sleep, a stressful situation, lack of fresh air, or a sudden change in weather conditions. It is necessary to identify the factor that provokes migraine during pregnancy, and try to exclude it.
An unpleasant feature of migraine during pregnancy is the need to avoid taking medications, which are especially harmful during the first trimester, when the laying and formation of the main organs and systems of the fetus is taking place. Moreover, the restriction also applies to traditional medicine. So, it is strictly forbidden to use maiden feverfew - a medicinal plant most often used to treat migraines, since its intake can provoke spontaneous abortion.
How to treat migraines during pregnancy? First of all, it is necessary to exclude the factors that provoke its development. Secondly, it is necessary to normalize the way of life: full, but not excessive sleep, sufficient, but not excessive physical activity, a varied diet, the
basis of which consists of vegetable, dairy and dairy products with the inclusion of lean meats.
For the treatment of migraine attacks during pregnancy, non-drug remedies should be used: massage of the neck zone, acupuncture, non-hot foot baths with medicinal herbs. Special yoga for pregnant women has a good healing effect. Daily walks in the fresh air are necessary, it is important to avoid stressful situations. In some cases, dehydration can be one of the causes of migraines, so it is important to drink enough clean water daily, without gas or flavorings.
Migraines in pregnancy usually disappear by the beginning of the second trimester.
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