Do I Still Need To Be Vaccinated

Do I Still Need To Be Vaccinated
Do I Still Need To Be Vaccinated

Do I still need to be vaccinated

Currently accumulated extensive experience in the use of vaccinations
Currently accumulated extensive experience in the use of vaccinations

There is a desperate debate over whether vaccinations should be done or whether they are harmful to health. Twenty years ago, the position on this issue was clear, including among medical workers. It was unambiguously believed that vaccinations should be done, since they serve as the prevention of serious infectious diseases.

Currently, extensive experience has been accumulated in the use of vaccines, and it is far from unambiguous. The position of opponents that vaccinations need to be done is explained by the following: there are many infectious diseases, and the complex of vaccinations previously developed for children (vaccination diary) creates an overly strong burden on the child's immunity, which is already imperfect due to age reasons. In other words, the adopted vaccination scheme overloads the child's defenses and depletes them. Failures in the immune system are very dangerous, the most "harmless" manifestation can be an allergic reaction, but its scale can be very destructive, up to severe encephalopathy.

Some vaccines are not well understood and can be unpredictable. Thus, several major scandals in the Western press are associated with vaccinations against HPV (human papillomavirus). These vaccinations are recommended for girls before having sex in order to prevent a formidable disease - cervical cancer. However, in several cases, an injection of Gardasil (the so-called HPV vaccine) has caused severe irreversible damage to the body in vaccinated girls, especially the nervous system.

Secondly, the big question as to whether vaccinations should be done or not arises when examining the quality of the vaccine material. It is no secret that often a low-quality, under-purified product is delivered to polyclinics as free material for vaccinations. Such vaccines contain extraneous protein complexes that can also cause significant harm to the body, especially the child's body, due to the reasons described above.


Third, the structure of the immune system is more complex than it seemed even twenty years ago, and some vaccinations are not nearly as effective as it was thought. For example, according to some reports, the effectiveness of existing influenza vaccines does not exceed 40% at best. The second fact is widespread tuberculosis, which affects people vaccinated in the past.

Vaccine advocates have strong arguments too. An indisputable fact: in the 80s of the twentieth century, WHO announced that one of the most dangerous viruses, the smallpox virus, had been defeated. Thanks to mass vaccinations, cases of smallpox have ceased to be recorded worldwide. Thus, the question of whether to be vaccinated or not, and if so, to what extent, remains open.

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