Infertility treatment with folk methods

Methods of folk or alternative therapy in the treatment of infertility have been used for a long time and actively. In this regard, the question often arises, how justified is the treatment of infertility with alternative methods? To understand this issue, you must first determine the causes of infertility. Infertility is not caused by any one disease. This is a pathology that can have many causes, and in accordance with them, forms.
The fact is that conceiving a child is a very complex process that is controlled by many factors in the female body: hormones, the nervous system. The possibility of conception is influenced by the state of the woman's reproductive system, the presence of anatomical abnormalities or the consequences of inflammation, the state of the nervous system, the presence of concomitant diseases, and general health. And this is only on the part of the female body, but there is also male infertility, in the same way caused by many reasons, as well as a combination of male and female infertility.
That is why there is no unequivocal answer to the question of whether infertility treatment with alternative methods is effective. In some forms, the use of folk remedies is quite justified, and can give good results. For example, if we are talking about inflammation of the organs of the female genital area, then as part of complex therapy, the use of alternative methods may be fully justified. In this case, a good result can be given by washing or douching with herbal infusions, or taking honey and honey products as a general strengthening therapy.
If there is obstruction of the fallopian tubes as a result of the adhesive process, other anatomical disorders of the female or male genital organs, the treatment of infertility by alternative methods will be ineffective, since this pathology can be corrected only with the help of surgical intervention. Nevertheless, even with such infertility (organic form), in the recovery stage after surgery, it is possible to use folk remedies that promote tissue regeneration and strengthen immunity.

In some cases, infertility can be caused by functional disorders such as exposure to stress factors or general psycho-emotional instability. In this case, the treatment of infertility by folk methods, gently contributing to the normalization of the nervous system, elimination of insomnia and other overloads, with their reasonable use, can lead to complete recovery. Also, folk remedies have proven themselves perfectly as a therapy aimed at general strengthening of the body. They are quite effective and safer as compared to medications.
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