Drug Withdrawal - Symptoms, Possible Consequences, Treatment

Drug Withdrawal - Symptoms, Possible Consequences, Treatment
Drug Withdrawal - Symptoms, Possible Consequences, Treatment

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Narcotic withdrawal

Not only experienced drug addicts experience withdrawal symptoms
Not only experienced drug addicts experience withdrawal symptoms

Drug withdrawal, or, in medical terms, withdrawal symptoms, is an extremely painful condition that occurs in a drug addict after stopping drug use. The very word "withdrawal" defines the main symptoms: a person feels pain, as if he was broken. The pain of drug withdrawal has no clear localization: it hurts all at the same time, and at the same time nowhere in particular. Nevertheless, the painful sensations are so intense that sometimes you have to resort to powerful painkillers, since only they, and another dose of the drug, are able to soothe the suffering.

In addition to pain syndrome, drug withdrawal is accompanied by other symptoms: nausea, sweating, anorexia, depressed mood and anxiety up to psychotic states. Sleep disturbances, hand tremors appear, and coordination disorders may occur. Knowing that a single habitual dose can stop the agony only adds to the severity of the situation. It should be mentioned that quite often patients in a state of drug withdrawal are not aware of their actions, and can be aggressive towards others.

For this reason, and also due to the fact that drug withdrawal can cause serious disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system, which is life-threatening, withdrawal of withdrawal is best done in a hospital setting. The doctor will select the treatment that will be optimal for each specific case, since different conditions require the use of different means, not to mention dosages. Removal of withdrawal symptoms in the Babylon treatment center will save you or your loved ones. The therapeutic measures for the removal of drug withdrawal are based on detoxification therapy, during which toxic substances are removed from the body, and symptomatic therapy aimed at alleviating the patient's condition.

The peak of drug withdrawal
The peak of drug withdrawal

Often patients ask themselves the question, can drug withdrawal be painless at all? The answer is no, and you need to know this before you start taking drugs. The fact is that narcotic substances suppress the production of the body's own endorphins - the compounds responsible for good mood and well-being. When the drug is stopped, it takes time for its own endorphins to start re-entering the bloodstream. This time determines the peak of drug withdrawal. However, it is in the power of doctors to alleviate the symptoms and speed up the process.

Another misconception is that only drug addicts who have a long history of addiction experience drug withdrawal. This is far from the case, and drug addiction actually develops much faster than a person notices it. For example, when using heroin, drug withdrawal is sometimes provided after the first or second use.

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