Causes And Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

Causes And Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer
Causes And Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

Causes and symptoms of prostate cancer

Urinary dysfunction is the first symptom of prostate cancer
Urinary dysfunction is the first symptom of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer, or prostate cancer, unfortunately, is a frequent oncological pathology. The likelihood of getting sick increases with age. If among men under forty years of age, one in ten thousand has a chance of contracting prostate cancer, then at the age of seventy, one in eight men develop prostate cancer symptoms. Thus, if age is not the cause of this type of tumor, then undoubtedly it belongs to one of the risk factors.

Another risk factor includes: a sedentary, especially sedentary, lifestyle that causes stagnation of blood in the small pelvis and, accordingly, in the prostate gland; hereditary predisposition and the presence in the diet of an abundance of fatty and meat foods.

The role of hereditary predisposition is not as high as other factors, but nevertheless, if among the so-called first-line relatives, which include the father and siblings, there were cases of such a disease as prostate adenocarcinoma or cancer of other organs, the risk of a tumor increases by 10 -fifteen%. If there are other prerequisites, the chances of detecting prostate cancer symptoms increase dramatically. A doctor can help determine if you are at risk, or you can read information on the urologist's website.

Symptoms of prostate cancer primarily include urinary disorders, the most common and early symptom. They manifest themselves as a weakening of the urine stream, a feeling of an incompletely emptied bladder after urination, nocturia - nocturnal desires, urgent (urgent) desires, when, even with a slight filling of the bladder, a person literally runs to the toilet, frequent urination with a small amount of urine. The same symptoms occur in benign prostatic hyperplasia (formerly called prostate adenoma), so their presence does not yet indicate cancer, but requires a visit to a doctor as soon as possible.

Especially, such signs should be alerted in combination with other symptoms of prostate cancer: the appearance of traces of blood in the urine, as well as signs of cancer intoxication. Cancer intoxication is a common symptom of malignant tumor diseases, it arises from the entry of tumor decay products into the bloodstream, and the poisoning of the body with these products. It manifests itself as increased fatigue, weakness, nausea, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss, insomnia, or, conversely, drowsiness.

Unfortunately, the appearance of pronounced symptoms of prostate cancer speaks of an advanced tumor process. But it is known that the earlier cancer treatment is started, the greater the chances of success. Therefore, doctors recommend not to wait for signs of a tumor, but to all men over forty years old to undergo an annual medical examination, which will allow them to catch the disease at an early stage.

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