How to quickly relieve a sore throat

A sore throat is always a sign of an existing disease, and therefore speaking about how to relieve a sore throat, one must understand that this does not necessarily mean a cure. Sore throat occurs with angina, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, acute respiratory viral infections and some other diseases. The most common cause of sore throat is viral infections - this is the symptom that usually begins with a cold. Therefore, if one day, for no reason at all, found that it hurts you to swallow, know that most likely in one or two days a headache, runny nose and cough will join this trouble, so urgent measures are needed to prevent the disease.
Meanwhile, it is still necessary to relieve a sore throat. There are many ways to do this. The simplest and most effective is gargling with a solution of soda and salt. Such rinses can reduce inflammation, soften the throat, and, in case of angina, help to remove the purulent contents of the inflamed tonsils. To prepare a gargle, stir in a teaspoon of salt and soda in a glass of warm water. Gargling should be done frequently, every 2-3 hours, until the symptoms of sore throat have subsided.
It is possible to relieve a sore throat with the help of special lozenges, such as Strepsils, Doctor Mom, Neo-Angin, etc. The lozenges are sold in pharmacies and contain anti-inflammatory substances such as phenol or extracts from medicinal plants, such as sage. This method is very convenient, especially when it is not possible to rinse, for example, at work or while moving around the city. Lozenges are quite effective, as they dissolve for a long time, which means that the medicinal substance also has a long-term effect. If you can't go to the pharmacy and buy medicated lozenges to soften the throat, any lozenges containing menthol will do to quickly relieve a sore throat. They do not have a healing effect, but will help alleviate severe pain while waiting for the moment when treatment can be carried out.

Another way to relieve a sore throat is to use a spray such as Ingalipt, Cameton or Jox. In addition to medicinal substances, they usually include anesthetics. The spray allows you to easily and quickly, within seconds, apply the drug to the sore throat, but it is quickly washed off with saliva, and therefore the action of the spray is less durable than the action of lozenges. After applying the spray, you need to refrain from eating and drinking for half an hour.
A wonderful way to relieve a sore throat is to drink hot tea with lemon and honey. This is an old and trouble-free way: tea tones the body, warms the throat, lemon and honey act as an extremely useful natural vitamin and mineral complex, stimulating the immune system.
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