Treatment of inflammation during pregnancy
Since the hormonal background of the female body is reconstructed during pregnancy, the immune defense decreases and the sensitivity to various infections increases, the likelihood of inflammation in the body during pregnancy is quite high.

Any inflammatory process in the mother's body negatively affects the baby, so it is very important to do the right treatment for inflammation during pregnancy.
Inflammation of the gums during pregnancy
During gum disease during pregnancy, called gingivitis, the gums become red, loose, bleed when brushing your teeth, and then become sore and swollen. In this case, there is an unpleasant sensation and a putrid odor in the oral cavity.
Most often, gingivitis occurs by the fifth month of pregnancy and passes before childbirth. But in some cases, inflammation can become chronic. Also, with inflammation of the gums in the oral cavity, a focus of chronic infection appears, which enters the bloodstream.
If you find you have gingivitis, see your doctor immediately. He will carry out hygienic cleaning and antiseptic treatment, as well as prescribe treatment. It is also very useful to apply rinsing with the help of extracts of chamomile, calendula, oak bark, sage, string and applications with the use of medicinal ointments, for example, "Metrogyl Denta". It should be applied twice a day to the desired gum area, and then refrain from drinking, eating and rinsing for 15 minutes.
To prevent gum disease during pregnancy, reduce your intake of sugary and gooey foods, clean your mouth thoroughly and see your dentist regularly, and ensure that your diet is balanced.
Treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes during pregnancy
Treatment of inflammation during pregnancy, especially inflammation of the lymph nodes, is very important. Inflammation of the lymph nodes during pregnancy, which is also called lymphadenitis, appears due to a variety of infectious and inflammatory processes that are located in the tissues located next to the lymph node.
It is strictly forbidden to treat lymphadenitis for pregnant women on their own. This should only be done by a doctor after conducting an examination, determining the causes, also causative agents of infection and determining their sensitivity to antibiotics. As a rule, antibiotics are prescribed, which are legal for pregnant women.
Treatment of pneumonia during pregnancy
Inflammation of the lungs during pregnancy should only be treated in a hospital. Only a doctor should select antibiotics that will not harm the pregnancy. It is also necessary to carry out immuno-strengthening therapy, take expectorants, vitamins and bronchodilators. An abundant drink is shown, which will liquefy phlegm and remove it from the body.
In combination with inpatient treatment, you can use folk remedies in the form of inhalations and rubbing with fir oil. You can also take one glass of unpasteurized boiled milk with two dried white figs twice a day after a hot meal.
Treatment of kidney inflammation during pregnancy

Inflammation of the kidneys during pregnancy, also called pyelonephritis, is caused by a variety of microorganisms that multiply due to the presence of an infectious focus in the body and obstruction of the flow of urine in the urinary tract.
In pregnant women, kidney inflammation can also be caused by the growth of the uterus, which, as it grows, crowds out the internal organs that are in the neighborhood.
In no case should the treatment of pyelonephritis be postponed "for later". Self-medication is strictly prohibited. Usually, doctors prescribe antibiotics. Their use is justified, since they are much less harm to the mother and the unborn baby than complications after the disease. During pregnancy, oxacillin, ampicillin, methicillin, kanamycin and gentamicin are allowed from antibiotics. In all cases, pain relievers and antispasmodics, uroantiseptics, sedatives and vitamins are prescribed.
Any treatment for inflammation during pregnancy must be started in a timely manner so that it passes with a minimum number of complications.
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