How To Deal With Acne: Causes Of A Rash And How To Fix It

How To Deal With Acne: Causes Of A Rash And How To Fix It
How To Deal With Acne: Causes Of A Rash And How To Fix It

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How to deal with acne

Fighting acne can be long and unsuccessful
Fighting acne can be long and unsuccessful

Fighting acne can be long and unsuccessful if you do it in battle for battle mode. Therefore, the basis for their successful disappearance is their diagnosis, because you need to know the enemy. Acne pimples strife, and while some can be treated quite easily by washing with a decoction of chamomile, others will require serious medical procedures for two to three weeks, or even more.

The opinion that such a nuisance happens only on the face is erroneous. Nothing of the kind, pimples on the buttocks or on the back are even more frequent, they just don't bother us so much there. After all, you can not really show your ass, but you cannot hide your face, unless you try to fight acne by adopting Islam in its strictest form and wearing a thick burqa with slits for the eyes. If this is not part of your plans, then we begin to fight the enemies with a visit to the doctor. Because acne is not just vile red bumps that spoil the appearance, but an inflammation of the sebaceous glands and adjacent skin.

The skin is an indicator of the health of the whole organism. Skin diseases, including acne, always have a serious basis, and external manifestations are just the tip of the iceberg. On the other hand, I must say thank you that they are there, because if the skin always remained smooth and silky, and there was no need to fight acne, many diseases would be discovered much later, when the scale of destruction in the body would already be in the nature of a catastrophe.

So what causes acne breakouts? Usually there are two reasons, and they can be combined. The first is hormonal imbalance. No wonder the rash torments adolescents and women on certain days of the menstrual cycle. The second reason is a disturbance in the immune system. The condition for the formation of acne is always a decrease in local immunity, but sometimes there is also a general problem. Diagnostics is necessary in order to understand what exactly caused the appearance of acne, since without eliminating the cause, fighting acne is seriously useless, albeit exciting.

It is useless to fight acne without eliminating the cause
It is useless to fight acne without eliminating the cause

Acne can go away on its own, without any struggle on your part. This can happen if the hormonal background evens out - the phase of the cycle changes, hormonal teenage storms pass. And / or if the immune system is strengthened. And here everything is in your hands: proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are at your service. These pustules are very fond of sweet, fatty, canned and fast food. Eliminate these dishes, improve the work of the intestines, observe the rules of hygiene, and it may turn out that this is exactly what your body asked for, desperately signaling acne.

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