Postpartum Recovery

Postpartum Recovery
Postpartum Recovery

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Postpartum recovery

Why do you need recovery after childbirth
Why do you need recovery after childbirth

It would seem, why do you need recovery after childbirth? Childbirth, after all, is a completely natural process for a woman, from the point of view of biology, her main task, therefore, the female body is fully prepared for them - provided that a woman leads a lifestyle close to natural. However, in modern times such a lifestyle is, perhaps, only women from tribes in remote corners of the Earth.

For an ordinary woman, a representative of a typical urban civilization, pregnancy and childbirth are serious physical, psychological and social stress. The body is being rebuilt, relations in the family are being rebuilt, the social status of a woman is changing, in general, her life is changing completely. And even if these changes are for the better, after such a serious load, rehabilitation is required. Moreover, the process of recovery after childbirth also requires not only taking care of the body, but also of the psyche and social status.

From the point of view of physical health, the recovery process after childbirth can be described as reasonable and dosed physical activity and taking care of the body's needs. Getting enough rest is imperative, with a night's rest that does not need to be sacrificed. It is necessary to avoid two extremes - excessive caution with the transition to hypodynamia and overload on the other hand. Both of these conditions are unhealthy. A long stay in bed leads to stagnation in the body, which is especially vulnerable, as it is in the process of hormonal changes. Excessive loading can undermine forces that have not yet recovered.

The baby will help in recovery after childbirth
The baby will help in recovery after childbirth

If you are worried about recovering from prenatal forms after childbirth, you should remember that you can start playing sports no earlier than two months later. But a balanced diet is quite acceptable almost immediately - provided that it is balanced taking into account the changed needs of the body.

Recovery after childbirth in the psychological and social side of a woman's life also obeys the rule of the golden mean. Do not refuse help, do not take on everything, even if it seems to you that you know best what needs to be done. This behavior inevitably leads to a breakdown, from which the child will inevitably suffer. Remember the old rule, "Too good is too bad."

Allow yourself joy, participate in the life of your familiar circle of friends, after all, the Internet also greatly expands the possibilities of communication for mothers sitting at home with small children. Recovery after childbirth, subject to a conscientious approach to it, takes two to six months.

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