How to take a contrast shower

Before talking about how to take a contrast shower, a few words about what a contrast shower is and what it is for. A contrast shower is a shower with alternating use of hot and cold water. This shower has a strong healing effect. If you take a contrast shower correctly and regularly, it will significantly slow down the aging process, maintain blood vessels in perfect condition, training them, and make the skin smooth, elastic and elastic. A contrast shower can have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and even relieve prolonged insomnia. Regular daily intake of a contrast shower helps to restore the disturbed metabolism, then maintaining it in a healthy state.
Amazing, isn't it? It is even more surprising that, having such a powerful health remedy at hand, which is also very cheap, people do not use it, and if they use it, it is often wrong.
So, how to take a contrast shower correctly, that is, so as to get the most out of it? 10 rules:
- Take a contrast shower regularly, once a day, preferably in the morning, as it has a tonic effect;
- Increase the temperature difference gradually, give yourself a few days to get used to, so as not to cause discomfort, because of which you no longer want to take a contrast shower;
- You should always start with pleasant warm water, allowing the body to warm up;
- Warm water is followed by hot water, and then cold water;
- Cold water should not just be cold, but scalding ice, of course, not for the first time, but a few days after the start of the procedures, when the body gets used to them a little;
- The exposure to hot water can be a little longer (20-30 seconds), cold water - short, so that chills do not have time to come (no more than 10 seconds);
- You should always pour cold water only from top to bottom, as you pour yourself from a bucket;
- A cycle of three douches with hot and three douches with cold water is sufficient;
- The contrast shower should be completed with cold water;
- After shower, rub thoroughly with a terry towel.

Now you know how to take a contrast shower. The case is small, start taking it. Experienced health professionals recommend doing this after your morning exercise, in a good mood, humming and happy to have such a great opportunity. Simply put, the eleventh rule of how to take a contrast shower is: take it with pleasure.
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