Diet For The Abdomen - Menu, Principles, Exercises

Diet For The Abdomen - Menu, Principles, Exercises
Diet For The Abdomen - Menu, Principles, Exercises

Diet for the abdomen

Features of the diet for the abdomen
Features of the diet for the abdomen

There are many techniques to get rid of fatty deposits in the abdomen. These are special physical exercises, massage and folk remedies, medication and diets. Any effective diet for a flat stomach should aim to normalize metabolism in the body, as well as improve the functioning of the digestive tract. A belly diet is only part of the weight loss process. To remove the belly, diet must be combined with exercise to burn extra calories.

Basic principles of a belly slimming diet

In most cases, excess weight appears due to improper nutrition. The basic principle of a belly diet is to adjust the diet. The basis of the diet should be foods rich in fiber (greens, fruits, vegetables, cereals). Protein foods of animal origin must be consumed at least two to three times a week. Protein foods of plant origin during a diet for weight loss of the abdomen should be included daily. To remove the belly, the diet must be adhered to for a long time. Restrictions will gradually accustom the body to the fact that metabolism will be somewhat normalized and rebuilt. Later, you can add berries and juices, coarse bread and porridge to the diet. Nutritionists also advise including nuts and seeds in the diet, but not more than 50 grams per day.

During a diet for a flat stomach, you just need to drink plenty of water. Nutritionists recommend drinking still mineral water, melt or purified water. To prepare melt water, you need to take a container with a wide neck. Pour clean water into a container and place it in the freezer. After a while, the water will be covered with a thin layer of ice. This ice must be removed and the rest of the water must be frozen. Once completely frozen, the water can be thawed and drunk in small sips (one liter per day). The melt water helps to cleanse the lymph and burn excess fat.

During the diet for the abdomen, you should not drink alcohol, since all alcoholic beverages slow down the metabolism. It is also necessary to limit the use of flour and sweet products, fatty and fried foods.

In order for a diet for the abdomen to be effective, it is necessary to break down food intake into four to five conditional points at regular intervals.

Approximate diet menu for the belly for three days

On the first day of the stomach diet for breakfast, you can drink a cup of green tea or a glass of freshly squeezed juice from carrots and apples. Between breakfast and lunch, you can eat nuts (50 g of hazelnuts or walnuts). For lunch, it is advisable to boil brown rice and prepare a salad of fresh vegetables. For dinner, bake 50 grams of low-fat fish with vegetables.

On the second day of the diet, you can eat half a grapefruit or apple. Prepare a fruit or vegetable salad between breakfast and lunch. You can drink a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice. Boil buckwheat for lunch. Eat a small bunch of grapes and herbal tea instead of dessert. For dinner, boil or bake two hundred grams of chicken breast. You can stew any vegetables as a side dish.

On the third day of the belly slimming diet, you can cook oatmeal and bake apples. Between breakfast and lunch, eat a bunch of grapes and drink a glass of still mineral water. For lunch, boil two hundred grams of fish, prepare a carrot salad with sour cream. For dinner, drink 250 ml of low-fat kefir and eat one banana.

Approximate diet menu for the belly for a week

On Monday for breakfast, make a toast with wholemeal flour, drink 200 ml of low-fat yogurt. For lunch, boil rice and prepare a salad of peppers, cucumbers, white cabbage. For dinner, boil one hundred grams of chicken or beef, bake eggplants. Squeeze 250 ml of apple juice.

Results of the stomach diet
Results of the stomach diet

On the second day of the belly diet, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese and drink a cup of weak tea or coffee for breakfast. For lunch, boil rice (100 g) and beef (100 g). For dinner, prepare a salad of tomatoes and onions. Season the salad with vegetable oil. Before going to bed, you can drink 250 ml of tomato juice.

On Wednesday for breakfast, boil one hundred grams of turkey. Drink a glass of green tea. For lunch, boil or steam 150 grams of low-fat fish and prepare a salad of sauerkraut, onions and peas. For dinner, boil rice and eat an apple. Before bed, you can drink a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice.

On the fourth day of the diet for losing weight on the belly, you can boil veal for breakfast, drink weak coffee or tea. For lunch, cook vegetable soup in a weak broth. You can eat some bran bread. For dinner, boil rice and 150 grams of chicken meat.

On Friday, make toast for breakfast, drink a glass of low-fat kefir. For lunch, bake some potatoes, boil 150 grams of fish and make a carrot salad with sour cream. For dinner, prepare a salad of fresh vegetables, boil 100 grams of veal.

On Saturday you can boil an egg for breakfast. You can eat 2 oatmeal cookies and drink herbal tea. For lunch, boil rice and one hundred grams of turkey. For dinner, boil two hundred grams of chicken meat. You can make a fruit salad (plum, orange, apple, pear).

Make toast and drink green tea on Sunday. For lunch, boil rice and prepare a vegetable salad (peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions). For dinner, boil 200 grams of beef and prepare a salad of cucumbers and white cabbage.

Exercise during a diet for the abdomen

While dieting, it is very helpful to do abdominal contraction exercises. On a deep breath, you need to relax your stomach, and on an exhale, draw in. After one to two weeks, the belly will become firm.

Will help burn excess fat in the abdomen by turning the torso and side tilts of the torso alternately to the left and right, squats. Circular movements of the lower and upper parts of the body alternately are also effective. You can strengthen the effect of a flat belly with the help of exercises with a hoop, jumping rope, dancing, swimming, walking or jogging.

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