Black Coffee - Properties, Benefits, Harm

Black Coffee - Properties, Benefits, Harm
Black Coffee - Properties, Benefits, Harm

Black coffee

Natural black coffee is one of the most popular drinks all over the world, many people simply cannot imagine the beginning of a new day without a cup of aromatic invigorating coffee. However, to this day, there are disputes about the benefits and dangers of this product. Numerous studies are being carried out, some scientists once again prove the negative effect of coffee on the human body, others continue to discover its new properties, previously unknown.

Coffee beans on wood
Coffee beans on wood

It is worth noting that very few people regularly drink real black coffee beans, they mostly prefer its instant analogue, which was invented by the Swiss chemist Max Morgenthaler. This type of coffee is easier and faster to prepare, but in terms of taste, it is significantly inferior to the present. And it is in it that caffeine is contained in large quantities, so coffee lovers are recommended to drink a drink made from beans, it is both tastier and healthier.

The history of the emergence of black coffee

The homeland of the coffee tree is the province of Kaffa in Ethiopia, hence the name of the product itself. The legend goes like this. Once (this was around the 13th century), an Ethiopian shepherd noticed that goats, having eaten the fruits of an unknown tree, began to actively gallop over the hills. After that, he began to brew coffee beans and give to his disciples so that they would not fall asleep during the evening prayer.

As early as the 16th century, black coffee spread to Persia, America, Turkey and Europe. The first European country to start “drinking coffee” was Italy. In Russia, this drink first appeared in 1665. At that time, our country conducted active trade relations with the countries of the Middle and Near East, where coffee was already very popular. Peter I made a great contribution to its popularization in our country, who was used to drinking this drink in Holland.

A little about caffeine

Caffeine is the main active ingredient in coffee and is found in coffee seeds, tea leaves and cola nuts. Scientists have proven that this alkaloid has a strong stimulating effect on the human central nervous system, therefore it is used as a stimulant. Also, caffeine enhances the processes of arousal in the cerebral cortex, so black coffee increases physical and mental performance, physical activity, relieves drowsiness and fatigue. However, an overdose of this product can deplete nerve cells.

It is worth noting that the effect of caffeine on each of us is individual, and depends on the type of human nervous activity. In addition, this alkaloid weakens the effect of narcotic and hypnotic drugs.

Partially refute the opinion that caffeine, being a drug, causes physical and psychological dependence. In fact, black coffee can indeed cause physical dependence, but it would be wrong to call it a drug, because, unlike drugs, it does not cause psychological dependence. Moreover, scientists confirm the benefits of coffee, provided that it will not be abused, i.e. drink no more than 2-3 cups a day.

Useful properties of coffee

Avicenna and Aristotle were already aware of the beneficial properties of coffee. Each grain contains many different trace elements and vitamins, the main ones being calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, sulfur and phosphorus. In addition, this product contains over 30 organic acids.

Due to its beneficial properties, coffee prevents the development of diabetes mellitus, reduces the likelihood of gallstone disease by 30%.

It has been proven that coffee contains serotonin, which is also called the "hormone of happiness", so it improves mood and helps to overcome depression. With regular consumption of black coffee (but no more than 3 cups a day), the risk of depression is reduced. According to statistics, people who regularly drink coffee are much less likely to commit suicide when compared with those who do not drink this drink at all.

The benefits of coffee for the central nervous system are known, it improves blood flow to the brain, thereby increasing brain activity by almost 10%.

It has been proven that in small quantities this drink improves potency and spermatogenesis in men. One cup of black coffee a day can prolong the sexual activity of women over 50.

More recently, scientists have discovered another property of coffee - a positive effect on humans in relation to Parkinson's disease. These studies have revolutionized medicine, and active work is currently underway to create a caffeine-based drug that will be able to stop and even reverse this terrible disease.

The benefits of coffee in cosmetology are undeniable. Massage with coffee grounds on the areas prone to cellulite leaves the skin silky, smooth and even. Coffee grounds mixed with any cream are a great natural exfoliation that evens out the skin and cleanses the face. A little drink added to the water to rinse your hair after washing makes it stronger and healthier, eliminates itchy skin and dandruff.

Scientists from India attribute to black coffee the ability to protect the human body from radiation. However, European doctors have not yet confirmed this point of view.

Two to three cups of aromatic black coffee a day can significantly reduce the risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver and breast cancer. They improve attention and memory, raise mood and vitality, and increase efficiency.

It is imperative to remember that our body will benefit from coffee only if it is taken strictly in limited quantities - no more than 3 cups a day.

Black coffee beans
Black coffee beans

The harm of coffee

First of all, everyone who loves to drink this black coffee needs to know that an overdose leads to headaches, dizziness and insomnia.

Coffee is contraindicated for people with the following diagnoses: coronary heart disease, kidney disease, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, glaucoma, insomnia and increased irritability.

The harm of coffee with an ulcer and exacerbation of chronic gastritis has been proven. In addition, it affects the calcium metabolism in the human body.

The drink contains tannins, they can dry out the gastric mucosa, so it is not advisable to drink it on an empty stomach.

This product is not recommended for children and the elderly.

The harm of coffee is also expressed in the fact that it flushes minerals from the body, including calcium. Therefore, it is better to drink this drink with milk or cream. Alternatively, coffee lovers can take vitamin complexes.

Until recently, it was forbidden to drink coffee drinks for pregnant women, but recently scientists have shown that caffeine does not have a negative effect either on the health of a woman or on her unborn child.

Scientists have long called another harm to coffee the ability to lead to the development of cancer of the rectum, colon, and pancreas. However, recent studies have shown that black coffee, on the contrary, reduces the activity of certain carcinogens.

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