Hibiscus - Description, Benefits, Application

Hibiscus - Description, Benefits, Application
Hibiscus - Description, Benefits, Application


Hibiscus are shrubs or small trees of the Malvaceae family that bear fruit in large, colorful, funnel-shaped flowers for a long season.


The homeland of hibiscus is the south of China and Indonesia, from where it was introduced and successfully introduced in areas with subtropical and tropical climates. In countries with a less suitable climate for a plant, hibiscus is grown as an indoor or greenhouse ornamental plant. The genus of hibiscus is very rich and diverse, so according to some sources it has about 150 varieties, according to others about 300, according to the third more than 500.

The most common and well-known types of hibiscus are:

  • Chinese (Chinese rose);
  • Syrian;
  • Triple;
  • Hybrid;
  • Dissected petals.

Hibiscus leaves are dark green in color, incised and petiolate. Hibiscus shrubs can grow up to 4.5 meters in height and their flowers can be 16 cm in diameter. The fruits of hibiscus are five-leafed capsules in which the seeds are located. Hibiscus can be grown as single trees, hedges and houseplants. With the right care, hibiscus can bloom all year round.

The benefits of hibiscus

The benefits of Hibiscus are high in the treatment of nervous diseases, colds, heart disease, loss of appetite, fluid retention, circulatory problems, edema and inflammation, for dissolving phlegm and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Also, the use of hibiscus is effective for stomach irritation, as a mild laxative and diuretic that increases urine output.

Fruit acids in hibiscus work as a laxative. Numerous studies have shown that hibiscus contains chemicals that can lower blood pressure, reduce stomach, intestinal and uterine cramps, and kill bacteria and worms.

Early research shows that taking 1 gram of hibiscus flower extract daily reduces cholesterol levels, lowers blood pressure, and lowers the risk of urinary tract disease.

Hibiscus has antioxidant properties of flavonoids, polyphenolic compounds, and anthocyanins, which prevent the oxidation of low density lipoproteins. These antioxidants also help control cholesterol levels and reduce the likelihood of heart disease.

In most cases, taking tea and infusions from hibiscus petals is safe, however, they should not be abused during pregnancy and lactation. Also, the benefits of hibiscus are low for children under the age of one year, for patients with gastritis and stomach ulcers.

The roots, leaves and flowers of hibiscus are a powerful pain reliever that regulates menstruation and stimulates blood circulation. The flower extract is traditionally used in the treatment of liver diseases and as an aphrodisiac. A decoction of leaves, roots and fruits is effective in treating arthritis, boils and coughs.

Application of hibiscus

Hibiscus was widely used in Egypt, where the hibiscus drink, rich in vitamin C, was first made from the flowers of the plant.

The use of hibiscus as a food product, flavor additive and spice is widespread throughout the world. The young, tender leaves of the plant are cooked and eaten in China, like spinach. Elsewhere, young hibiscus leaves are placed raw in salads. In various places around the world, flowers are eaten boiled, raw and salted, used as a spice and even as a food coloring. Flowers are the most commonly used part of the hibiscus plant in cooking.

Hibiscus drink
Hibiscus drink

In China, flower petals are baked in pies, while in India they are boiled in sugar and water to produce a sweet soft drink. The petals have a mild, tart, citrus flavor and can be used as a food additive for citrus-infused dishes. These can be fruit and spicy pies, meats, and even alcoholic cocktails. Hibiscus stems are used in soups in Central America.

The peoples of African countries widely use the leaves and flowers of hibiscus in folk medicine. Of them, tinctures and decoctions are cooked, which serve as an antibacterial agent.

Hibiscus petal extract is used in herbal ointments for the treatment of eczema and allergic reactions.

The fibers of the hibiscus plant are used in the manufacture of ropes, nets and sackcloths, and in Nigeria, the plant, along with straw grass, serves as a building material for roofing.

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