Curvature of the nasal septum - an invisible danger to the child

Not every parent realizes that the child's frequent colds, breathing problems, snoring and snoring at night are nothing more than a consequence of the curvature of the nasal septum. Moreover, every second child suffers from this.
The visible signs of curvature - often the consequences of various injuries, including those of birth - are easy to determine. But there are other, hidden forms, when you will not see anything suspicious with the naked eye. Congenital anatomical pathologies can be detected only with the help of X-rays. Today we will talk with Eduard Maslov, chief otolaryngologist of the MEDSI Medical Corporation, Ph. D., about what threatens the curvature of the nasal septum for a child and how to cure it.
- Eduard Yuryevich, tell me, please, is the curvature of the septum really dangerous for children's development?
- Often parents do not pay attention to the child's behavior, believing that he just has a chronic runny nose, weak immunity, adenoids. But in fact, the reason is much deeper. If a curvature exists, it is important to determine how much it interferes with the child. After all, even the slightest difficulty in breathing threatens with oxygen deficiency. Lack of oxygen, in turn, has a destructive effect on the development of internal organs and the whole organism. The child has a headache, it is difficult for him to breathe, he is nervous, does not sleep well, becomes inattentive, studies are very difficult. Ultimately, all this can lead to developmental delays.
- What can be done to help such children?
- If indicated, in 100% of cases I insist on surgical intervention. The earlier we carry out the operation, the easier it will be for the child in the future. He literally "breathes deeply".
- As far as we know, rhinoseptoplasty is not performed until high school age? Is it so?
- Indeed, rhinoseptoplasty was not performed before 15-18 years old. The surgeons explained this by the fact that it was necessary to wait until the end of the formation of the facial skeleton. But we at MEDSI have been practicing modern technologies for many years. And today I can say with confidence: there is no age qualification for this operation and should not be. After all, we are talking about children's health. It is our direct responsibility to help them as soon as possible.
- Do you even operate on babies?
- Rhinoseptoplasty should be performed starting from 4-5 years of age. The only limitation is the size of the child's nasal cavity. The technique that we use allows you to remove only the curved structures of the nasal septum. Such an operation preserves the cartilaginous and bone skeleton as much as possible, prevents deformation of the nasal dorsum and the development of adhesions. Surgical treatment at an early age helps to protect the child from serious developmental disabilities.
- That is, with a curvature of the nasal septum, surgery is mandatory at any age?

- Our goal is to restore healthy nasal breathing. Lack of oxygen deprives the child of the joy of life. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of the operation. Of course, any child is afraid of doctors, especially surgeons. But try to explain to him that this is an important and very necessary step, by taking which he will become strong, healthy and happy.
- How can parents choose a clinic and a doctor? Indeed, in order to entrust a child to a surgeon, you need to know for sure that this person is a reliable and experienced professional.
- Rinoseptoplasty in children is not performed everywhere. Our clinic is one of the few in the country where this operation is performed at any age. The criteria for choosing a doctor and a medical institution are very simple - the most modern equipment, high qualifications and many years of personal experience in the operation. We at MEDSI perform gentle rhinoseptoplasty and provide maximum comfort for further rehabilitation. Therefore, if there is a curvature of the nasal septum, do not delay the operation. Delay is dangerous at any age.
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