Heterochromia of the iris (heterochromia; Greek heteros - different, different + chroma - color, color; synonym: heterophthalmos) - unequal color of the iris of the left and right eyes or a dissimilar color of different parts of the iris of one eye.
Types of iris heterochromia:
secondary (secundaria) - caused by an eye disease;
complicated (synonym: Fuchs syndrome) - a disease of unclear etiology, manifested in addition to heterochromia of the iris by the development of cataracts and dystrophic changes in the ciliary body;
primary (primaria) - caused by a congenital iris pigmentation pathology;
simple (simplex) - not accompanied by other eye disorders;
sympathetic (sympathica) - secondary heterochromia arising from disorders of the neurotrophic action of the sympathetic nervous system; it is noted mainly against the background of congenital lesions of the cervical sympathetic nerve.
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Automatism (Greek automates spontaneous, self-acting) - the ability of individual cells, tissues or organs to rhythmic activity in the absence of obvious connections with external stimuli
Adaptation (lat.adaptatio - adaptation) - the process of adaptation of an organism, population or other biological system to changing conditions of existence (functioning)
Adrenergic receptors (lat.adrenalis - adrenal; lat.ad- - at + ren - kidney + receptor - receiving; synonym: adrenergic receptors, adrenoreactive structures, adrenoreactive systems) - biochemical structures of cells that interact with adrenergic mediators (dopamine, adrenaline, noradrenaline ) and convert the energy of this interaction into the energy of a specific effect (muscle contraction, nerve impulse)
Acrodermatitis (acrodermatitis; Greek akros - the most distant, extreme, high + derma (dermatos) - skin + Latin it (word-form suffix) - inflammatory process) - the general name of a group of dermatoses with an exclusive or predominant lesion of the distal extremities