Hemothorax - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Hemothorax - Glossary Of Medical Terms
Hemothorax - Glossary Of Medical Terms

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Hemothorax (haemothorax; Greek haima - blood + Greek thorax - chest, chest; synonym: hematothorax) - the presence of accumulated blood in the pleural cavity.

Types of hemothorax:

  • apical (apicalis) - limited hemothorax in the area of the apex (upper part) of the lung;
  • small (minor) - in which in the pleural cavity the blood level does not reach the angle of the scapula;
  • interlobar (interlobaris) - limited hemothorax, localized in the interlobar cracks;
  • supradiaphragmaticus - a limited hemothorax located in the area of the pleural cavity adjacent to the diaphragm;
  • limited (circumscriptus: synonym: encapsulated hemothorax) - separated by adhesions, located in a small area of the pleural cavity;
  • paracostal (paracostalis) - limited hemothorax in the area of the pleural cavity adjacent to the ribs;
  • paramediastinal (paramediastinalis; Greek raga - about + anatomical mediastinum - mediastinum) - limited hemothorax, located in the area of the pleural cavity adjacent to the mediastinum;
  • coagulated (concretus) - characterized by coagulation of the outflowing blood;
  • average (medius) - in which in the pleural cavity the blood level reaches the angle of the scapula;
  • total (totalis; synonym: large hemothorax) - in which all or almost all of the pleural cavity is filled with blood.

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