Biopham: How To Prevent Recurrence Of Bacterial Vaginosis

Biopham: How To Prevent Recurrence Of Bacterial Vaginosis
Biopham: How To Prevent Recurrence Of Bacterial Vaginosis

Biopham: how to prevent recurrence of bacterial vaginosis

According to statistics, about 80% of women in Russia suffer from bacterial vaginosis. As a rule, this unpleasant disease is accompanied by white or grayish discharge, itching, burning, and an unpleasant smell of rotten fish. Often, the cause of bacterial vaginosis is insufficient or, on the contrary, excessive hygiene, frequent change of sexual partner or the use of panty liners. Also, hormonal fluctuations, such as manarche, i. E., Can be an important cause of bacterial vaginosis. the onset of the first menstruation or hormonal disorders associated with a decrease in estrogen levels, as well as pregnancy, feeding, abortion or menopause.

Biopham: how to prevent recurrence of bacterial vaginosis
Biopham: how to prevent recurrence of bacterial vaginosis

Nowadays, doctors use vaginal antibiotics or combination agents with antibiotics and antimycotics to treat bacterial vaginosis. But, in order to consolidate the results of therapy and prevent recurrence of bacterial vaginosis, it is important to carry out the so-called second stage of therapy. It is necessary in order to normalize the pH and restore the biocenosis of the vagina.

Vaginal pH for bacterial vaginosis

To diagnose bacterial vaginosis, doctors usually do a culture or measure changes in vaginal pH using test strips. Normally, in a healthy woman, the pH of the intimate zone has weakly acidic values (3.8 - 4.5), which is a normal environment for the existence of lactobacilli, which make up 98% of the vaginal biocenosis. In the event of various favorable situations for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora, the pH of the vagina changes from weakly acidic (yellow-green color of the test strip) to alkaline (bright blue color).

Prevention of recurrence of bacterial vaginosis

As mentioned earlier, the scheme for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis consists of two stages, the first stage is necessary for the elimination or elimination of pathogenic microflora, the second stage is intended to restore the lost vaginal microflora - lactobacilli, as well as to prevent an early relapse.

There are a large number of vaginal devices for the second stage of therapy. The main representatives are products based on lactic and ascorbic acids and vaginal probiotics.

Important requirements of doctors and women to these funds are the rapid normalization of vaginal pH to 3.8-4.5, stimulating the growth of their own lactobacilli, as well as good tolerance to therapy.

Lactic acid products are a good solution for the rapid restoration of the vaginal biocenosis.

Prevention of recurrence of bacterial vaginosis
Prevention of recurrence of bacterial vaginosis

How Biofam differs from other products

The representative of the group of products with lactic acid is Biofam. It is a three-part vaginal gel. It contains a unique component - thyme oil, which has an antiseptic effect against more than 120 strains of pathogenic microorganisms, including Candida. Thyme oil prevents pathogenic microorganisms from adhering to the surface of the vaginal epithelium, thereby preventing recurrence of bacterial vaginosis and chronic candidiasis. Lactic acid, which is part of Biofam, quickly, within an hour, normalizes the pH of the vagina, and glycogen, being a nutrient substrate, supports the vital activity of microflora.

Biofam will help to consolidate the result of therapy and prevent recurrence of bacterial vaginosis.

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