Why Nutraceuticals Are Better Than Medicines

Why Nutraceuticals Are Better Than Medicines
Why Nutraceuticals Are Better Than Medicines

Why nutraceuticals are better than medicines

In the past few years, natural products rich in beneficial elements have been in demand. Even well-known medicines with the addition of natural ingredients are becoming more popular than their predecessors. But not everyone knows what is the difference between the action of useful and nutritious substances of natural origin from chemically synthesized ones. Only natural remedies with biologically active ingredients have the right to be called nutraceuticals.

Having understood the many definitions, it will be correct to say that nutraceuticals are a type of biologically active additives that help to adjust the chemical composition of food, that is, with regular intake, they provide a person with the amount of trace elements and vitamins that the body needs every day.

What are nutraceuticals?
What are nutraceuticals?

How to choose the right nutraceuticals?

Pay attention to the manufacturer

When choosing, you need to trust only a trusted manufacturer. If you have a product that has been popular for many years, licensed and has proven effectiveness, good reviews, then such a product most likely deserves attention.

There are not so many high-quality manufacturers of nutraceuticals in Russia, they can be counted on one hand and the research and production company "Optisalt" can rightfully be considered the best manufacturer.

The fundamental difference between Optisalt nutraceuticals and analogues is high-quality raw materials and effective combination of ingredients. Their composition is entirely of plant origin, exclusively from wild herbs, fruits and berries, extracts. The fact is that wild plants have the maximum concentration of biologically active substances. Under natural conditions, all nutrients are easily absorbed by the body and bring maximum benefits for the restoration and maintenance of human health.

Very often, manufacturers use Chinese raw materials for their preparations or resort to herbicides and pesticides, which greatly reduces their effectiveness and can even harm health.

The qualitative composition cannot be verified under normal conditions.

Read the composition

Nutraceuticals, unlike medicines, contain extracts of herbs and medicinal plants, which have been known to man for their properties for many thousands of years. In our time, all the accumulated age-old knowledge of natural medicine is widely used, and regular research is carried out.

How to decipher the composition of nutraceuticals
How to decipher the composition of nutraceuticals

In pharmaceuticals, various artificial substitutes are often used. It is important for a person to know that "chemistry" is harmful to the body, especially to the excretory system: kidneys and liver.

Nutritionists will help to decipher the composition in detail and tell about the effect on the body, who in a couple of years will be on a par with general medical practitioners. Optisalt has specialists with many years of experience who will advise you free of charge on health issues and the effects of natural herbs. Contacts and all information about the company can be viewed on the official website: optisalt.su or by calling the hotline: 8 800 555 755 8.

Trust common sense, not advertising

In the modern world of high speeds and the Internet, it becomes difficult for a person to navigate and understand who is really worth trusting, especially when it comes to unfair aggressive advertising and miracles.

A good manufacturer values the reputation and opinions of his customers, he often makes friends with everyone through his product and does not include high advertising costs in the cost of the product. You can and should look for such people yourself.

The developments of the "Optisalt" company have been awarded the best reviews of buyers and doctors not only in our country, but all over the world. Optisult has been a member of the International Scientific Society of Natural Medicine for many years. The products are recognized as environmentally friendly and safe products, are included in the Federal Healthcare Directory of Russia and enjoy success not only in Russia and the CIS, but throughout the world.

How to choose a nutceutical manufacturer
How to choose a nutceutical manufacturer

The company's preparations were noted as the best health-improving product in the “anthelmintic” category, awarded with a diploma “For a great contribution to the formation of a healthy lifestyle”. In addition, recently "Optisalt" became the best manufacturer of 2019 according to the version of the Government of the country, and also received an award of the highest category "Anti-counterfeiting", which recognizes all products of the company "Optisalt" of the highest quality.

One of the main things in nutraceuticals is the knowledge about trace elements

Experimental and morphological studies of the Research Institute of Human Pathomorphology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Russia) and the Institute of Nutrition and Ecology of the Jena University. F. Schiller (Germany) showed that many metabolic, hormonal, endocrine, immune disorders, tumor processes, destructive changes in bones, cartilage and joints, congenital malformations occur with a deficiency in the body of essential microelements: zinc, selenium, iodine, manganese, copper, chromium, silicon!

On the basis of these data, the specialists of the company "Optisalt" developed "Vimycin" - the first balanced vitamin and mineral complex in Russia based on natural plant extracts, which are distinguished by their biological activity, balanced plant components and the absence of side effects

Vimycin contains an extract of common barley, extract of acerola fruits, extract of flowers and fruits of Japanese Sophora, extract of spirulina, extract of horsetail herb, extract of fucus, extract of rose hips. Vitamin-mineral complex "Vimycin" is taken for hypo- and avitaminosis, fatigue, weakness, irritability, cravings for sweets, hypothyroidism, acne, furunculosis, dermatitis, diathesis, neuroses, asthenia, neuropathy; to improve the immune status of the body, with ARVI, colds, flu.

The novelty has a high antioxidant activity and contains vital microelements: zinc, selenium, chromium, manganese, copper, silicon. The combination of these microelements with flavonoids has a powerful antibacterial effect and can be used in the treatment and prevention of colds and infectious diseases.

Read more about the new product on the manufacturer's website:

Optisalt products
Optisalt products

There is a lot of useful information on the manufacturer's website about the causes of most diseases, about trace elements and the properties of medicinal herbs and plants. We encourage our readers to familiarize themselves with this valuable material in detail.

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