How To Relieve Muscle Spasm

How To Relieve Muscle Spasm
How To Relieve Muscle Spasm

How to relieve muscle spasm

With an awkward turn, hypothermia, excessive flexion of the spine, or prolonged static muscle tension, reflex spasm of the muscles of the back, neck, and trunk may occur. As a result, the intervertebral discs find themselves in a situation where they are compressed in one position, and they can also be protruded. In any case, a strong pain syndrome is provided.

Muscle spasm: causes and symptoms
Muscle spasm: causes and symptoms

In addition to intervertebral discs, with muscle spasm, pressure is exerted on the nerve endings, roots of the spinal cord and blood vessels. The body, in response to such irritation, strains the muscles surrounding the sore spot in order to protect the spine. However, this only aggravates the situation.

Pain can occur not only due to pressure on the nerve endings and intervertebral discs, but also due to the production of large amounts of lactic acid in the muscles themselves. This is due to the fact that the oxidation of glucose with a lack of oxygen occurs according to a different type - when normal blood supply is restored and the cells are provided with sufficient oxygen, lactic acid is excreted and pain in the muscle decreases, and then disappears. This is a normal process in the body, but it does not develop with muscle spasm.

How can you relax a spasmodic muscle?

First of all, you can try to deal with the problem yourself. For example, deep pulmonary breathing can help: when we inhale, we strain the muscles, when we exhale, we relax with mental concentration on the sore spot.

You can also apply massage and muscle stretching. Massage movements are used as follows: vibration, kneading, deep pressure. Stretching the muscles can be done with the help of a masseur, he will gently bring the body into a position in which the spasmodic muscle will be stretched as much as possible, after which it can return to its normal position and the pain will subside.

How can you relax a spasmodic muscle?
How can you relax a spasmodic muscle?

At first, after the onset of the spasm, you can act on the muscle with ice - massage movements should be smooth, relaxing. If the spasm lasts for three days, it is necessary to act on the tissue with heat, then the blood vessels expand, fill with blood and bring more oxygen to the muscle.

Of the drug methods, you can use analogues of midocalm, but you must remember that the use of drugs should be under the supervision of a physician. Such drugs relieve excessive muscle tone and relieve pain.

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