Neck Muscles - Strengthening, Spasm, Exercise

Neck Muscles - Strengthening, Spasm, Exercise
Neck Muscles - Strengthening, Spasm, Exercise

Neck muscles

Like the rest of the human body, muscles form the neck. The neck is a kind of movable support for our head, which ensures all its movements. The main muscles of the neck are: scalene muscles, belt muscle of the neck, belt muscle of the head, scapular-hyoid and sternocleidomastoid muscles. The muscles of the neck, located along its midline, have a longitudinal direction of muscle fibers. And for the muscles located on the sides, the oblique direction of the fibers is characteristic.

Neck muscles
Neck muscles

Neck muscle function

The neck muscles play an important role. They not only support the head, provide all its movements, but also take an active part in the pronunciation of sounds, in the processes of breathing and swallowing.

Neck muscle spasm

As a result of long sedentary work, improper position of the head when walking, spasm of the neck muscles often develops. Therefore, people in certain professions (drivers, accountants, programmers, etc.) often have neck muscles. When muscles are overstrained, their spasm occurs. As a result, blood vessels are compressed. Violation of the blood supply to the muscles leads to the development of hypoxia, edema and pain in them. A spasm of the neck muscles causes not only pain in the neck, but also headaches, impaired blood supply to the spine, and often mental disorders.

In order to prevent the development of spasm of the neck muscles, it is important to take short breaks during the working day, during which fairly simple exercises for the neck muscles should be performed - head tilts back and forth, from side to side, rotational head movements. These exercises for the muscles of the neck allow you to relieve excessive static stress from them, improve their blood supply.

If a spasm of the neck muscles nevertheless developed and led to the onset of a painful attack, then you should not immediately start taking painkillers. In many cases, it is enough to just lie down, take a short walk, take a warm shower or bath, or have a massage. Massage allows not only to eliminate the manifestations of spasm, but also helps to strengthen the muscles of the neck.

Neck muscles ache: causes

As the data of medical statistics show, from time to time the muscles of the neck hurt every third person. The causes of these pains can be different. Most often, there is a spasm of the neck muscles, but there may be other reasons leading to pain in the neck muscles:

  • Cervical sciatica - occurs as a result of inflammation of the nerve roots extending from the spinal cord. The pain in this case is quite sharp, burning. Often they give to the scapula, arm and are accompanied by paresthesias (skin sensitivity disorders). To prevent repeated attacks of sciatica, great attention should be paid to strengthening the muscles of the neck, the formation of a "muscle corset", which will remove unnecessary stress from the cervical spine and prevent pinching of the nerve roots in the future;
  • Stretching the muscles of the neck. This injury often occurs in individuals who begin to do neck muscle exercises without a proper warm-up. A stretching of the neck muscles can also occur in cases of sudden head turns;
  • Myositis is an inflammation of the neck muscles. They are characterized by a long course. Myositis is manifested by aching pain. On palpation (feeling) of the affected muscle, its slight thickening and soreness is determined.

In some cases, pain in the muscles of the neck is observed in a number of other diseases: ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatic polymyalgia, ischemic heart disease. Therefore, if your neck often hurts, then you should definitely consult a doctor who will conduct the necessary research, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

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