Diet Breakdowns: Why Is It Not Always Possible To Sustain It?

Diet Breakdowns: Why Is It Not Always Possible To Sustain It?
Diet Breakdowns: Why Is It Not Always Possible To Sustain It?

Diet breakdowns: why is it not always possible to sustain it?

We usually go on a diet because of a trigger: a new dress, an advertisement, an article in a magazine, comments from doctors about a healthy lifestyle. Yes, even just the approaching summer and the desire to "walk" a new swimsuit. Every year millions of people limit their diet in an attempt to find a new version of themselves. One of the first questions that comes up when it comes to changing eating habits is: Why is it so difficult for me to stick to a diet?

Why is it so difficult to stick to a diet?
Why is it so difficult to stick to a diet?

This may not be the first diet ever tried. "This time I will strictly follow the rules, I promise!" And it seems that the more extreme the plan, the better you will look. But a deliberate ton of restrictions for the sake of a couple of pounds shed is likely to send you back into a vicious cycle called the yo-yo effect. Like a child's toy, the weight first goes away and then returns to its original values. Sometimes the amplitude of mass gain even increases. You return to the diet again, and everything is repeated cyclically. In fact, this is not your fault. The body is trying to achieve balance. Short, exhausting diets don't help in the long run, and you revert to your old eating habits.

Strict restrictions are the main mistake!

Disruptions occur due to severe dietary restrictions, both in quantity and in food composition. Hunger triggers many reactions in the body and has a number of different consequences. First of all, it is a drop in blood sugar levels. This leads to irritability, weakness and … apathy to their promises. You are ready to eat anything and a relapse occurs. In addition, the body begins to slow down metabolism and weight loss - which is exactly the opposite of the desired result.

The stricter the diet, the harder it is to follow. Whether you're trying to lose weight or just eating right, sticking to a new diet isn't easy. Breaking habits, especially those that energize your brain's pleasure centers, such as when you eat ice cream, oh, how difficult! But if you're serious about eating healthy and losing weight, you need to start thinking differently about your plate and lifestyle in a different way.

You can try one of the thousands of developed nutrition programs and even lose weight, but then it gets too hard, the weight comes back and most fall into the trap of thinking that being healthy and slim is too difficult. In fact, it's pretty simple: if the eating style you are currently following does not make you happy, then it is extremely difficult to maintain.

Set realistic goals when it comes to new eating habits.

For example, focus on adding healthy foods to your diet first, rather than cutting out sugar and other carbohydrates. Ditching familiar foods makes you feel deprived and triggers another breakdown. The smooth addition of one good food and the elimination of one bad food will give you a sense of accomplishment, joy and pride. But once you see for yourself how good you are and how healthy food tastes, you have a better chance of success. Over time, preferences will change, and cravings for unhealthy foods will disappear.

The main mistakes on any diet
The main mistakes on any diet

There is another approach - to eat the same as always, but with smaller portions. At the initial stage of the diet, a hypocaloric diet is recommended, no more than 1500 kcal per day. This may not be easy at first. The more we try not to think about food, the more active the desire to eat something. Fortunately, modern drugs that regulate hunger and satiety centers can help. For example, the drug Goldline Plus. The main active ingredient - sibutramine, prolongs the feeling of fullness, can significantly reduce the amount of food consumed, as well as reduce the craving for high-calorie foods. With Goldline Plus support, it is easier to transfer your diet. In addition, preparations containing sibutramine increase the production of heat by the body, due to which about 100 kcal are additionally burned per day.

But don't expect instant results from the "magic pill". The effect develops during the first month of admission, and reaches a maximum by three months of the course. It is at this moment, and not earlier, that you should listen to yourself in order to understand whether you can cope further on your own or it is worth consolidating the result and extending the drug intake up to six months. During this time, correct eating habits should be formed that will help you maintain the results of the diet for a long time.

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