Exercises for the inner side of the thigh
The condition of the inner thighs for most women is an urgent problem. The skin there is much thinner, which makes the area less elastic. And the area on the inner thighs is the most favorite place for the accumulation of fat. Over time, this leads to the fact that the skin on the side of the inner thigh becomes flabby and begins to sag. How can you avoid this? First of all, you need to reduce the amount of fat consumed, and secondly, start doing exercises for the inner thigh.

It should be noted that this area often causes problems not only for women who are overweight, but also for thin women. Often in thin women this area between the thighs forms the letter "O", which looks ugly aesthetically. Exercising the inner side of the thigh can also help reduce this gap between the thighs.
The muscles of the inner thigh
The muscles on the inner thigh are made up of a group of adductor muscles. The adductor muscles are the long adductor, the slender, the comb, the large adductor, and the short adductor muscles. The main function of these muscles is to bring the legs together. It turns out that these muscles work exactly when we bring our legs together. Therefore, all exercises for the inner side of the thigh are based precisely on enhanced leg reduction.
How to reduce the fat on the inner thigh?
Many women are preoccupied with the question of how to remove fat from the inner thighs. It should be noted here that it is possible to remove fat in this particular part of the body, without affecting others, only with the help of liposuction.
But in order to simply lose weight and make your figure more beautiful, it is important to choose the right set of exercises aimed at certain parts of the body.
If the weight is normal, and the flabbiness of the inner thighs is caused not by an excessive amount of fat, but by the weakness of the adductor muscles, then this is quite easy to fix. It is enough just to do exercises for the inner thigh. The most effective ones are listed below.
Exercises for the inner side of the thigh
All the exercises described below can be performed with equal success by both women and men. It is recommended to do a warm-up warm-up before starting the exercise.
1. Swing legs in a horizontal position. Leg swings for the inner thigh should be done slowly and with effort. A greater effect of the exercise can be obtained if you use special weights for the legs. So, you need to lie on your side, leaning on your arm or resting your head on an outstretched arm. Bend the leg on top at the knee and place it in front of you behind the knee of the lower leg. Pull the toe of the lower leg towards you. Raise your lower leg slowly, then slowly lower it. Don't put your feet on the floor! Placing your lower leg flat on the floor will reduce the stress on the muscles and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. Then roll over to the other side, take the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other leg. Exercise on the inner thighs until you feel the muscles in your legs “burn”.
2. Exercise "scissors". This exercise, despite all its apparent simplicity, is very effective for the inner thighs. In addition, in the process of performing this exercise, a load is also exerted on the abdominal muscles. So, lie on the floor, put your hands under your buttocks so that they are facing down with your palms. It is also advisable to tear your shoulders off the floor, and stretch your chin to your chest. But if this is difficult for you, you can just put your head on the floor. Raise both legs 30 cm from the floor and stretch the toes. Spread and cross your legs vigorously. Spread your legs about 20-30 cm. The legs should be tense, and the stomach is pulled in and also tense. It is necessary to do at least twenty crosses, then rest for a few seconds and repeat the exercise again.
3. Exercises for the inner side of the thigh with the ball. For these exercises, you need a bouncy rubber ball.
- Lie on a mat and bend your knees. Your feet should be on the floor. Clamp the ball between your knees and extend your arms along your body. Squeeze the ball with your feet every time, trying to squeeze it as much as possible. And on the count of two, relax your legs. Do this exercise 30 times.
- Stand up straight and pinch the ball with your feet, just above your knees. Sit down on a count of two, trying to hold the ball with your feet, and on a count of two rise. Do this exercise 15 times.
4. Squats and lunges.
- Plie squat. You need to stand up straight with your legs spread as wide as possible. The toes of the feet should point to the sides. Sit down every time, trying to get down to a line parallel to the floor. The back should be straight. On the count of two, slowly go up. You need to do up to 30 of these squats. The exercise will be much more effective if performed with hand dumbbells.
- Side lunges. Stand up straight with your hands on your belt. Lunge to the left on a count, while bending your left leg at the knee. The knee should not extend beyond the toe of the left leg. The right leg is straight, extended. The exercise is more effective the lower you fall when you lunge. This exercise must be done 20 times for each leg.

Incorporate these inner thigh exercises into your daily workout routine and try to do them at least 15-20 minutes a day. After completing these exercises, be sure to do exercises to stretch the muscles of the inner thighs.
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