Spreading Jaundice - Medicinal Properties, Benefits, Contraindications

Spreading Jaundice - Medicinal Properties, Benefits, Contraindications
Spreading Jaundice - Medicinal Properties, Benefits, Contraindications

Sprawling jaundice

Instructions for use:

  1. 1. Chemical composition
  2. 2. Useful properties
  3. 3. Indications for use
  4. 4. Contraindications
  5. 5. Home remedies
Sprawling jaundice
Sprawling jaundice

Spreading jaundice is a biennial plant widely used in folk and traditional medicine; has a beneficial effect on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, is used in the treatment of angina pectoris, arrhythmias and other diseases.

Spreading jaundice (marsh, grayish jaundice, scattered or graying) is one of the plants of the genus Jaundice of the Cabbage family. Leukoin jaundice is also used for therapeutic purposes.

Chemical composition

In all parts of the scattered jaundice there are cardiac glycosides erizimozide and erizimine. In seeds and flowers, their amount reaches 6%, in stems - 0.5–0.7%, in leaves - 1.5%. The plant also contains tannins, flavonoids and a fatty oil, which includes oleic, linolenic and palmitic acids.

Essential (up to 1%) and fatty (up to 42%) oils are present in the seeds of jaundice.

In the terrestrial part of the plant, such macro and microelements as selenium, calcium, iron, potassium, chromium, manganese, zinc, and copper are found.

Beneficial features

Spreading jaundice is called savior grass or core. In folk medicine, the plant is used in the form of juice and for the preparation of decoctions, tinctures, infusions to improve the work of the heart: decoction - for tachycardia, arrhythmias, edema of cardiac origin; infusions - for rheumatic heart disease, angina pectoris, pain in the heart; tincture - to lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation.

Also, jaundice grayish can be used in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. The infusions and decoctions prepared from the plant have a pronounced diuretic effect, they help to improve the functioning of the bladder and kidneys and reduce edema. Jaundice preparations can be used as monotherapy or in combination with other medicinal plants in the treatment of urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis.

Spreading jaundice is used in the complex therapy of diseases of the musculoskeletal system - radiculitis and rheumatic lesions of the joints.

Since the plant has a calming effect on the central nervous system, it can be used for hysterical seizures, depression, neurosis, insomnia, stress, neurasthenia. The effect will be both with a single use of the tincture / decoction, and during the course of therapy.

Pharmacological studies of disseminated jaundice were carried out at the Tomsk Medical Institute in 1940. Scientists have come to the conclusion that jaundice glycosides are similar in pharmacological action to strophanthin, while they act somewhat slower and softer and are less toxic.

Preparations based on sprawling jaundice have a cardiotonic and sedative effect due to erysimine and erizimozide. The plant is a part of the preparations "Cardiovalen" (used in the treatment of rheumatic heart defects, autonomic neuroses, cardiosclerosis of the I and IIA stages, as well as angina pectoris occurring with organic changes in the heart vessels) and "Erizimin" (used in the treatment of hypertension, acute and chronic heart failure, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis).

Indications for use

Spreading jaundice is indicated for use in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • tachycardia, arrhythmia, edema of cardiac origin, rheumatic heart disease, angina pectoris, heart pain, arterial hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and other diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • radiculitis, rheumatic joint lesions and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • hysterical seizures, depression, neuroses, insomnia, stress, neurasthenia and other diseases of the nervous system.


  • myocarditis;
  • endocarditis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to biologically active substances of the plant.

Since, during long-term treatment, sprawling jaundice can lead to the development of various side effects, it is periodically recommended to consult a doctor.

In cases where several treatment courses are required, the break between them should be at least 10 days.

Home remedies for jaundice sprawling

  • infusion (as a sedative, improving sleep and mood means; in the treatment of heart and liver failure, insomnia, hypertension, advanced types of dropsy): 1/2 tsp. jaundice herbs per 200 ml of boiling water; infusion time - 2 hours; method of application - 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l. a course of 2 months;
  • infusion (to improve cardiac activity): 1 tsp. herbs jaundice and lily of the valley leaves per 500 ml of boiling water; infusion time - 1 hour; method of application - 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals, 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • tincture (in the treatment of arrhythmia, bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, hypertension, ischemia of the heart): 70 g of raw materials per 500 ml of vodka; infusion time - 14 days (with periodic shaking); method of application - 3 times a day before meals, 15–20 drops dissolved in water, for a course of 3 months (a second course is possible in a month).
Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
