Miliums - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Miliums - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
Miliums - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

What are miliums

Effective ways to remove milia (whiteheads)
Effective ways to remove milia (whiteheads)

Skin problems aren't just for teenagers. Infectious skin diseases are also common in the adult population. They are manifested by various rashes and the appearance of acne, including milia or whiteheads. These formations are small white-yellow plugs that clog the ducts of the sebaceous glands. They can be of different sizes, be located singly or in groups, usually the area of the rash is the face.

What is milium

The term milium comes from the Latin name for common millet (P. miliaceum), therefore such rashes are also called millet. In appearance, these eels really resemble a grain of millet - round formations on the skin of whitish or white color the size of a pinhead.

In fact, milia on the face are closed pores that have accumulated sebum that cannot escape. It does not come into contact with the surface, so the pimple is not inflamed and is white. But when microbes enter the pore, an inflammatory process can begin. In dermatology, there are 2 types of milia on the face:

  • Primary - are formed spontaneously, often as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Clinical - appear with skin lesions of an inflammatory or traumatic nature, in scars.

Most often, whiteheads appear in areas where the skin is thin: in the area around the eyes, on the cheeks and temples, sometimes on the nose, less often in the lower part of the face. The size of the formations usually does not exceed 2-3 mm, milia can appear singly or in groups.

The appearance of milia, the reasons

The skin is an organ that is completely renewed within 25-30 days, during which keratinocytes must rise to its surface and exfoliate. If this process is disrupted and skin cells are not exfoliated regularly and in the right amount, they create a barrier for the release of sebum. Clogging of the hair follicle and sebaceous gland with horny masses occurs, as a result of which milia are formed. This usually occurs during puberty, but it is possible at a more mature age, and women are more likely than men to face this problem.

Often the cause of milia on the skin is improper skin care, but their appearance can also be triggered by the use of comedogenic cosmetics, dry skin or, on the contrary, excessive secretion of fat. The factors that contribute to this unpleasant phenomenon are still not fully understood. Dermatologists associate the presence of milia with disorders of the digestive system and liver. Another cause of milia may be the predominance of fatty foods in the diet. In the presence of such a problem, it is recommended to limit the use of fatty, fried and smoked foods, spices.

Treatment for milia

Often when milia appear on the face, a person begins to actively exfoliate the skin of the face using abrasive substances. This is the wrong approach, since the sebaceous gland is a hormone-controlled organ that performs protective functions. The more often and more intensively exfoliating procedures are carried out, the more actively it will work, so this method can achieve the opposite effect. Doctors cosmetologists recommend contacting beauty salons for the treatment of milia, and not trying to get rid of them yourself. There are several methods for removing milia:

  • The mechanical method is the most common and very effective method, which involves puncturing the eel and removing its contents mechanically. The procedure should be performed by a beautician using a sterile needle after thoroughly cleansing and disinfecting the skin. If these conditions are not followed, an infection can be brought in, which will cause inflammation. In addition, milia are small in size and affect sensitive areas of the face, inaccurate exposure to their removal can lead to damage to other layers of the skin;
  • Electrocoagulation is another popular method of removing milia by exposing the affected areas to high frequency alternating electric current. After the procedure, a crust forms on the treated skin, which quickly passes without leaving any marks;
  • Laser coagulation - with this method, a laser is applied to the damaged skin. A crust also forms at the site of treatment, which disappears after 2 weeks;
  • Curettage - scraping of blackheads with a special tool - a curette, shaped like a spoon. The least effective way to remove milia, after which long not healing scars remain on the skin.

There are also many recipes for treating milium with folk remedies. Among the recipes for traditional medicine, several of the most effective can be distinguished:

  • Miliums - treatment and prevention
    Miliums - treatment and prevention

    Cucumber lotions - peel the cucumber, remove the seeds and skin, chop finely, pour boiling water or a mixture of water and milk, leave for 4 hours and strain. From cotton or linen fabric, make a blank for the mask by cutting out holes for the lips and eyes, moisten it in the resulting infusion, apply on the face and leave for 20 minutes;

  • Viburnum juice - crush fresh berries with a wooden pestle, apply the resulting gruel to the area of milium rash. The exposure time is at least 45 minutes;
  • Oat scrub - grind half a glass of Hercules oatmeal with a blender, add a teaspoon of baking soda. Massage the skin with the resulting mixture every day after washing.

It should be borne in mind that folk remedies for treating milia are not universal, therefore, if after 2 months of regular carrying out of such procedures, there is no improvement, you should contact a cosmetologist.


The preventive measure for the appearance of milia is proper skin care: regular thorough cleansing of the face using various cosmetics, in accordance with the skin type. Of course, it is important to monitor your general health, eat right, prevent the development of chronic diseases, give up bad habits and lead an active lifestyle.

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