Removal Of Moles By Radio Wave Method - Features, Contraindications

Removal Of Moles By Radio Wave Method - Features, Contraindications
Removal Of Moles By Radio Wave Method - Features, Contraindications

Removal of moles by radio wave method

The principle of operation of the radio wave method for removing moles
The principle of operation of the radio wave method for removing moles

Almost every person has moles of various sizes, shades and shapes on their body. As a rule, they do not cause any inconvenience and have no effect on health. Sometimes such neoplasms interfere with their owners aesthetically, because it also happens that a mole spoils a person's appearance.

Doctors classify moles as benign tumors, but they are not advised to get rid of them if they are harmless and do not greatly affect the appearance. Otherwise, when the neoplasm increases in size, changes color, causes pain or simply prevents a person from feeling comfortable, it makes sense to get rid of it. Today, radio wave removal of moles is considered the most effective and safe method for eliminating such tumors.

Radio wave method for removing moles: features

The essence of the radio wave method for removing moles is to influence the neoplasm using high frequency radio waves. Along with this, such a procedure does not have a negative effect on the human body. In addition, it is important to note the main advantages of this method:

  • Duration no more than 20 minutes (time depends on the nature of the neoplasm);
  • The painlessness of the method;
  • No bleeding during the operation;
  • Elimination of damage to healthy tissues;
  • Sterilization of tissues during the procedure;
  • Absence of scars and scars after removal of the neoplasm;
  • No side effects such as swelling, redness and inflammation, with rare exceptions;
  • Possibility of performing the procedure on any part of the body;
  • Possibility of radio wave removal of moles on an outpatient basis;
  • Easy postoperative care and short rehabilitation period;
  • Possibility of histological analysis (tissues are not destroyed during the procedure).

It should also be noted specific cases when the radio wave removal of a mole is the only way to eliminate it. This applies mainly to situations when a neoplasm has arisen on a problem area of the body or face. For example, other known methods cannot be used to get rid of a mole on the eyelid. The surgical method is impossible due to the proximity of the area to the eyeball, and laser or cryodestruction (removal with liquid nitrogen) is excluded due to exposure of the eyeball to too high or low temperature.

Radio wave removal of moles: the process

As already mentioned, the effectiveness of the radio wave method for removing moles lies in the effect of radio waves directly on the tumor area, which excludes damage to neighboring healthy tissues. This is due to the vapor bubbles used by the high frequency radio waves to push the tissues apart. Thus, only those cells are destroyed, to which the wave is directed, while others remain intact.

This explains the absence of scars and scars after such a procedure and its painlessness. In addition, local anesthesia is performed before the radio wave removal of moles.

It is worth knowing that the radio knife, with the help of which the operation is performed, simultaneously performs three important functions:

  • Cuts tissue;
  • Stops bleeding;
  • Disinfects the area where the operation was performed, excluding the possibility of infection.

Radio wave surgery to remove moles is one of the most effective methods for removing such neoplasms, since after the procedure only a small depression remains in their place. After the operation, the wound is treated with an antiseptic, and the depression is leveled after two weeks.

Usually, a dry crust forms on the spot where the mole was. It cannot be removed or torn off on its own, as this threatens the formation of scars. She herself will disappear in a few days. In addition, it is not recommended to wet the affected area with water for several days after the operation, as well as to apply any means to this area without a doctor's prescription.

Reviews about radio wave removal of moles

Today, radio wave surgery to remove moles is very popular among patients who decide to get rid of unwanted neoplasms on the face or body. Therefore, reviews about radio wave removal of moles are mostly positive.

Many people, whom this procedure helped to eliminate interfering moles, note its painlessness and speed. In addition, the rehabilitation period is relatively easy and does not require special care for the area where the operation was performed.

Along with this, there are negative reviews about radio wave removal of moles. Some people are of the opinion that this method is not effective with large neoplasms. There is also a judgment that during the radio wave procedure there is a risk of a thermal burn in the area adjacent to the skin of the mole, which can lead to scarring or blistering.

Radio wave removal of moles - reviews of the procedure and consequences
Radio wave removal of moles - reviews of the procedure and consequences

In addition, you need to know about contraindications to radio wave removal of moles. It:

  • Infectious diseases;
  • Acute inflammatory processes;
  • The presence of malignant tumors;
  • Diabetes;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Chronic skin diseases and viral damage to the dermis.

Also, you can not resort to the radio wave method of removing moles during pregnancy, lactation and menstruation.

In conclusion, you should add the main recommendations that must be followed after the radio wave removal of moles:

During the first three days, treat the skin with an antiseptic

  • Avoid UV exposure for several weeks;
  • At first, do not visit the solarium, bathhouse or sauna;
  • In case of poor wound healing and observation of side effects, consult a doctor immediately.

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