Sujiderm - Reviews, Application, Contraindications

Sujiderm - Reviews, Application, Contraindications
Sujiderm - Reviews, Application, Contraindications


Sujiderm preparation
Sujiderm preparation

Sujiderm (Surgiderm) is a drug invented in France, used for contouring.

Contouring is a procedure by which the contours of the face are leveled, irregularities in the skin are corrected, and the volume of tissues is restored. Perhaps this is due to the introduction of special fillers (fillers) under the skin, this is the meaning of contour plastics. One of the drugs that are successfully used for correcting facial contours is Sujiderm.

The products of the Sujiderm series are based on biotechnological hyaluronic acid. Its content in preparations is quite high - 24 ml per 1 g.

Products that are part of the Sujiderm series

The Sujiderm series includes 6 drugs with different purposes:

  • "Line 18". The product is used to correct fine wrinkles formed in the upper layer of the epidermis. Validity period of "Line 18" - no more than six months;
  • "24XP". The drug is effective for age-related skin changes: in the presence of folds near the mouth, deep wrinkles. An additional property of Sujiderm "24XP" is the retention of fluid in the intercellular space in those areas where the drug was injected. This provides a long-term effect, makes it possible to carry out correction less often;
  • "thirty". This tool is used in cases where it is necessary to remove age folds, to increase the volume of tissues. The drug is injected into the middle layers of the epidermis;
  • "30 XP". A remedy similar to "30" in action, but it has a longer effect on tissues;
  • Sugillips. A drug that is used for lip contouring, that is, the formation or change of their contours, giving them volume. Reviews about Sujiderm from plastic surgeons and women who have experienced different drugs based on hyaluronic acid on themselves, suggest that this tool differs from the rest in the duration of action. Lips after applying "Sugillips" look more natural than after using other products with a similar composition. The effect can last six months, a year.
  • "Sujilift Plus". A product that can be used to prevent skin aging. It tones, moisturizes and, as a result, rejuvenates the skin.

Such a variety of Sujiderm products makes it possible for plastic surgeons working with them to provide versatile assistance to women who are dissatisfied with their appearance, who have lost their attractiveness with age. At the same time, it is noted that thanks to the use of Sujiderm, it is possible to preserve the naturalness of facial features and its expressiveness.

How to care for your skin after using Sujiderm

Correction of wrinkles with Sujiderm
Correction of wrinkles with Sujiderm

As in the case of other products, after carrying out the contour plastics with Sujiderm, you cannot use decorative cosmetics, skin care cosmetics. You can apply anti-inflammatory, pain relievers, such as Traumeel S or Trombless.

After the injection of the filler under the skin, you cannot visit the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool for another week, and for another three weeks you cannot sunbathe in a solarium or under the sun.

Contraindications to the use of Sujiderm

Women with such contraindications do not undergo contouring using Sujiderm and other hyaluronic acid-based products:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • the presence of inflammation in the area requiring correction;
  • Taking medications that thin the blood, such as heparin or aspirin
  • tendency to form keloid or hypertrophic scars;
  • autoimmune diseases, diabetes mellitus, hypertensive crisis, other serious somatic diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to hyaluronic acid;
  • allergy to lidocaine;
  • the presence of synthetic implants in the area of intended treatment.

Side effects of Sujiderm

Judging by the reviews, Sujiderm can cause redness, swelling of the skin, and discomfort at the site of filler treatment. In most cases, the symptoms described disappear in 1-2 days.

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