Face Mesotherapy - Description, Contraindications, Reviews

Face Mesotherapy - Description, Contraindications, Reviews
Face Mesotherapy - Description, Contraindications, Reviews

Facial mesotherapy

Facial mesotherapy is a procedure aimed at healing the skin, restoring its tone and youth.

The facial mesotherapy procedure consists of subcutaneous injections
The facial mesotherapy procedure consists of subcutaneous injections

Mesotherapy is carried out by injecting specially selected mixtures of drugs under the skin, the so-called meso-cocktails. The composition of cocktails may include minerals, vitamins, nucleic acids, collagen, antioxidants, other moisturizing, strengthening substances of synthetic, animal or plant origin.

The high efficiency of the mesotherapy procedure lies in the fact that thanks to injections, which are produced in a special way, nutrients and anti-aging substances are injected deep under the skin, into the dermis, which cannot be achieved with the use of external cosmetics.

Judging by the reviews, face mesotherapy really gives a result, but it cannot be carried out without first consulting a dermatologist or mesotherapist.

Indications for facial mesotherapy

The procedure is prescribed for women and men who have the following symptoms:

  • the skin has noticeably lost its elasticity and firmness, dull;
  • significantly decreased facial muscle tone;
  • there is photodamage to the epidermis;
  • the skin is too pale, lifeless, dehydrated;
  • loss of clarity of the face oval, drooping of the corners of the mouth and eyebrows, the appearance of nasolabial folds under the influence of gravitational ptosis;
  • spider veins and dilated vessels;
  • scars and scars on the face;
  • pigmentation.

How is mesotherapy of the face done?

The procedure for facial mesotherapy consists in performing subcutaneous injections - to a depth of no more than 4 mm.

For mesotherapy of the face at home, a special mesovalic is used
For mesotherapy of the face at home, a special mesovalic is used

Mesotherapy can be carried out manually or using a special device - a mesoinjector.

The second method is more expensive and saves time, but with manual administration of drugs, the doctor can treat particularly sensitive skin areas. Another advantage of the manual administration of meso cocktails is that the drugs are consumed more economically.

To restore the health of the facial skin, it is recommended to undergo about 5-10 mesotherapy procedures. By clicking on the link you can find out the current prices for facial skin mesotherapy in St. Petersburg.

The full course of mesotherapy can be repeated only after 8-10 months. To maintain the condition of the skin, one procedure is done every two months.

There is also such a thing as non-injection facial mesotherapy. It is carried out to moisturize and nourish the skin and use oxygen for this.

How is facial mesotherapy using oxygen done? For the procedure, use a pistol that works under pressure. Before oxygen treatment, a serum with hyaluronic acid is applied to the face. Other components of the whey are selected on an individual basis.

Oxygen mesotherapy of the face is based on the fact that under the influence of oxygen the nutrients of the serum penetrate under the skin, the metabolic processes of the skin are triggered.

Facial mesotherapy at home

Those women who, for various reasons, do not have the opportunity to go to the salon for skin rejuvenation, can be offered mesotherapy at home.

Since it is inconvenient to inject the skin with a syringe on your own, a special mesoscooter or mesovalic is used to carry out mesotherapy at home. The device is equipped with small needles and ensures an even distribution of the drug.

The disadvantage of carrying out mesotherapy at home is that the meso-roller makes punctures at a shallow depth.

Contraindications for face mesotherapy

You can not carry out face mesotherapy for pregnant women, those who are breastfeeding, after recent operations, during menstruation.

It is imperative to warn the mesotherapist about the presence of such diseases: gallstone disease, bleeding disorders, chronic renal failure, fear of injections, chronic vascular pathology.

The use of coumarins, tiklid, heparin, aspirintrental, anticoagulants can be a contraindication to face mesotherapy.

Side effects

Reviews of facial mesotherapy indicate that after the procedure, the skin may turn red, pain, chills and dizziness may be felt (rarely).

Turning to unqualified mesotherapists and inept handling of the mesovalic at home can provoke the appearance of nodules, hematomas, age spots on the face, and infectious complications.

There are also reviews about the developed allergic reaction to drugs for mesotherapy.

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