
Darsonvalization of the face is used in cosmetology as a local procedure that improves skin condition.
Darsonvalization, as a method of physiotherapy, uses the influence of high-frequency alternating sinusoidal currents of low strength. This effect improves the outflow of venous blood and lymph, accelerates the metabolism in the skin. When darsonvalization is carried out, facial swelling decreases, and the delivery of nutrients to the deep layers of the skin improves.
Darsonvalization, according to reviews, helps to successfully fight premature skin laxity and the first wrinkles on the face. If you buy an apparatus for darsonvalization, then such cosmetic procedures can be done at home.
In beauty salons, darsonvalization of the face is most often carried out as the main lifting manipulation lasting 10 minutes or as the final stage of vacuum cleaning, cleaning with disinfection. The full course of darsonvalization of the face includes 10 - 20 consecutive sessions.
Darsonvalization action
High-frequency current with local darsonvalization causes a response in the skin in the form of a local or segmental vasospasm. A short-term vasospasm is almost immediately replaced by their expansion. As a result, there is an improvement in blood and lymph circulation, the supply of oxygen to the tissues increases, and venous congestion at the site of exposure decreases. The alternating current does not have time to change the ionic composition of the cells, and therefore does not cause muscle contractions.
The darsonvalization procedure also has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. This effect is more associated with a spark effect on the skin, when tissue macrophages are activated, and indirectly through them, local humoral immunity.
The high-frequency current acts on the nerve endings in the skin, blocking them and thereby inhibiting sensitivity. With darsonvalization of the face, the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands decreases.
Darsonvalization technique
Darsonvalization devices work both by contact and remotely.
With local darsonvalization, a high voltage is applied to the skin using a vacuum electrode. In an electrode of this type, air is either very rarefied or completely absent; its voltage in such conditions causes ionization of the air. The contact technique implies smooth guidance of the electrode over dry skin, which causes a quiet discharge.
If the apparatus for darsonvalization works according to the remote method, then the electrode is passed over the skin, and then it is torn off from its surface or is carried out constantly above the skin surface along massage lines, providing an air gap between the skin and the electrode.

According to reviews, remote darsonvalization creates a pleasant tingling sensation over the procedure site. Before starting the session, you should degrease your face with a tonic. Lumps and scars on the skin are exposed to the current for a longer time. The darsonvalization technique is well combined with vacuum therapy.
Indications for darsonvalization
The darsonvalization procedure is recommended in the following cases:
- Seborrheic alopecia;
- Chronic eczema;
- Postoperative scar formation (including keloid);
- Allergic itching;
- Acne;
- Limited neurodermatitis;
- Herpetic eruptions;
- Chronic inflammatory processes in children with atopic dermatitis;
- Abscesses;
- Hematomas.
Getting rid of these problems not only improves the condition of the skin and the appearance of a person, but also changes the quality of his life in a positive direction.
Contraindications to darsonvalization
Permanent contraindications to darsonvalization are malignant neoplasms, blood clotting disorders, thrombophlebitis, tuberculosis, cardiac arrhythmias, electric current intolerance, epilepsy.
Temporary contraindications are conditions such as fever, bleeding, pregnancy.
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