How to restore eyelashes after extension

Eyelash extension is a procedure to increase the length and volume of natural eyelashes by attaching artificial hairs similar in composition to silk or natural hair.
Eyelashes are extended by lashes or in bunches, depending on the technology chosen by the client. With proper care, eyelash extensions can last for several weeks, after which either eyelash extensions need to be corrected or removed. Restoring natural eyelashes after removing artificial ones is a relatively short process, but it requires the right approach.
If you do not know how to restore eyelashes after extension, then, first of all, you need to focus on proper and high-quality eyelash care. This means the selection of cosmetics and oils that will prevent their loss and improve their structure.
How to restore eyelashes after extension: effective means
In order to restore eyelashes, it is necessary to use various oils and cosmetics, as well as stop applying mascara on them, which will make them heavier and even more fragile. Among the oils, the most effective and efficient are:
- Castor oil;
- Almond oil;
- Rose oil;
- Peach oil;
- Olive oil;
- Vitamin E oil solution;
- Coconut oil;
- Burr oil;
- Sea buckthorn oil;
- Fir oil.
Burdock oil strengthens eyelashes and prevents them from further loss, almond oil improves eyelash growth, and rose oil relieves sensitivity, itching and irritation. Before use, any oil must be slightly warmed up, in a small amount (using a special brush) applied to the eyelashes and after 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. To achieve the best result, the procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day for two weeks.
There are also several ways to restore eyelashes after extensions using herbs and teas. To prepare them, pour boiling water over one spoonful of dry grass or tea, insist for 15 minutes, drain the water, and put the strained tea leaves or grass on a cotton pad and apply to the eyelashes. Keep it for 10 minutes, then rinse your eyes with water, and smear the cilia with any vitamin oil.

A special eyelash mask can help you quickly put your eyelashes in order and restore their structure. To prepare it, you need to mix a few drops of castor and burdock oil with a few drops of aloe juice and vitamin E, apply with a special brush to the eyelashes. Keep for 15-20 minutes, then rinse the eyes with warm water. The mask should be used alternately with the application of oils, eyelash growth products or decoctions for faster results.
In addition to oils, masks and decoctions, you can use special products for eyelash growth, among which the most popular are:
- Eyelash Lipocils & Black 2 in 1: eyelash growth gel + Talika mascara;
- Eyelash growth stimulator Careprost;
- Means for the growth of eyelashes Almea XLash;
- Eyelash and eyebrow growth agent Evolash from FacEvolution GmbH;
- AdvancedLash eyelash extension;
- Revitalash conditioner and mascara;
- Stimulator of growth rate and increase in volume of lashes Latisse from Allergan;
- Conditioner for eyelashes MD Lash Factor.
Each of these products has been tested by dermatologists and is safe and effective, however, like any other cosmetic product, it also has side effects. These include:
- Irritation of hair follicles;
- Dermatitis;
- Allergic conjunctivitis;
- Redness of the eyes;
- Decreased intraocular pressure;
- Vascular mesh on the eyelids.
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