Gonshin tea
Instructions for use:
- 1. Release form and composition
- 2. Properties of components
- 3. Indications for use
- 4. Contraindications
- 5. Recommendations for use
- 6. Special instructions
- 7. Terms and conditions of storage

Gonsin tea is a biologically active food additive (BAA), a source of essential oils, flavonoids, tannins, caffeine; green tea made using a unique technology; has a beneficial effect on the respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary, cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems, helps cleanse the body, improves cellular nutrition, self-regulation and healing of the body.
Release form and composition
The dietary supplement is produced in the form of medicinal tea (1500 mg in filter bags, 1 bag in a paper envelope, in a cardboard box 24 envelopes with filter bags).
1 tea bag contains active ingredients:
- paraguayan holly leaves - 600 mg;
- oregano flowers - 330 mg;
- carrot seeds - 155 mg;
- peppermint leaves - 135 mg;
- chrysanthemum flowers - 120 mg;
- European olive leaves - 75 mg;
- alfalfa herb - 45 mg;
- gray calamint grass - 30 mg;
- mineral complex of the Dead Sea (Halo Complex) - 10 mg.
Component properties
Possessing excellent taste and unique aroma, Gonsin tea thanks to its unique composition:
- has a strong antioxidant effect, prevents the damaging effects of free radicals;
- stimulates and improves the function of the immune, hormonal, endocrine systems;
- regulates metabolic processes in the body and prevents metabolic diseases;
- has a calming effect and at the same time increases energy, stamina, vigor, clarity of thoughts, is indispensable for increased loads, stress, enhances physical and mental performance;
- helps with weakness, depression, insomnia, apathy, anxiety, neuroses; the atmosphere of home family tea drinking helps to restore psychological comfort;
- improves memory;
- normalizes the function of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, hepatobiliary system, prevents the formation of stones in the bladder, kidneys and liver;
- normalizes blood pressure (with hypertension, you should drink hot tea, with hypotension - cold, room temperature);
- cleans from carcinogens, slags and toxins, is used for detoxification with aggressive methods of therapy, helps with toxicosis of pregnant women;
- helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels;
- normalizes blood glucose, is effective in insulin dependence;
- improves elasticity and heals the skin, cleanses the pores, inhibits the aging process of the epidermis;
- has a mild tonic and sedative effect;
- has a choleretic effect, improves the function of the biliary tract and gallbladder;
- promotes wound healing;
- strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
- promotes weight loss.
Indications for use
BAA is recommended for use as a source of caffeine, essential oils, flavonoids and tannins in the treatment / prevention of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hypotension, atherosclerosis, headaches of various origins, migraines, angina pectoris, heart attack, pneumonia, bronchitis, acute respiratory diseases (ARI), influenza, hepatitis, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, pancreatitis, inflammation of the urinary tract, sore throat, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, toxicosis of pregnant women, burns, trophic ulcers, thrombophlebitis, mastopathy, lymphadenitis, osteochondrosis, chronic fatigue, syndrome depression, stress, dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, sinusitis and in oncology (to relieve intoxication during aggressive tumor therapy).
The use of Gonsin tea is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to any of its components.
During pregnancy and lactation, tea should only be taken as directed by a doctor.
Recommendations for use
Gonsin tea is drunk in the morning before meals and during the day after meals.
To prepare a drink, 1 sachet should be poured with 0.25–1 l of hot water, temperature 75–85 ° С, and brewed for 7–10 minutes. It is allowed to brew one sachet 3-4 times.
Recommended dosage for adults: pour 1 filter bag with 200 ml (1 glass) of hot water, leave for 5-10 minutes, take 1 glass 2 times a day with meals. The duration of the course is 1 month.
The use of Gonsin tea for various conditions / diseases:
- headache: brew 1 packet in 1 glass of water, drink it hot, rest for 3-4 minutes, closing your eyes;
- eye fatigue: soak 2 used tea bags in hot water, and lying or sitting in a comfortable position, put them as a compress on closed eyes, procedure duration - 7-10 minutes;
- barley on the eye: put a hot tea bag on the sore eyelid, repeat the procedure several times;
- conjunctivitis: rinse the eyes with a sterile cloth soaked in cool tea;
- rhinitis: instilled 6-8 times a day in warm tea both nostrils (1 to brew tea bag 1 / 2 cups of water);
- sore throat with sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, ulcerative lesions of the gums, tongue, palate and other inflammations: rinse the mouth with tea several times a day;
- colds: drink 4–5 cups of fresh tea a day; in order to prevent colds, it is recommended to consume 2-3 cups a day;
- toothache, periodontal disease: add 2-3 crushed garlic cloves to a cup of tea, keep the drink in your mouth for several minutes until the pain relieves;
- constipation: brew tea (no more than 10 minutes), cool and dilute with milk 1: 1, drink at night;
- heartburn, pain and discomfort in the stomach: drink freshly prepared tea before meals;
- joint or back pain: Apply compresses from used tea bags to painful areas until pain is relieved. For massage, you can use gonsin oil, prepared as follows: put 8-10 used and dried bags in a glass container, pour in 100 ml of olive oil, heat in a water bath for about 40 minutes, put in a dark place for two days, then squeeze out the contents, strain, drain into a glass or ceramic container;
- bags under the eyes: prepare cosmetic ice by pouring 1 glass of tea into an ice mold and freezing. For 10 days, in the morning, gently massage the face with the ice cubes obtained for 1–2 minutes, in the evenings - apply compresses from the used bags to the area around the eyes for 5–7 minutes;
- hair loss (to strengthen hair follicles): internally - take Gonsin tea every morning, externally - 2 times a week after washing, rinse your hair with a product prepared as follows: Brew 3 used tea bags in hot water for 20 minutes;
- skin aging: apply to the skin for 15-20 minutes the gonsin cream prepared as follows: thoroughly mix 1 tablespoon of sour cream, 1 teaspoon of tea (1 sachet per 1 glass of water) and 30 drops of olive oil: it is recommended to supplement with daily gonsin tea, which will give face a healthy color;
- upset stomach: apply the so-called. a gonsin diet, which consists in the use of 1 cup of hot or warm tea every 2-3 hours, brewed in a ratio of 1 sachet to 1 liter of water; you should drink tea slowly, in small sips; the duration of the diet is 24 hours, it is recommended to start it at 17:00 and end at 17:00 the next day. You can squeeze the juice of one lemon into the prepared tea;
- withdrawal syndrome (hangover): the gonsin diet described above with the obligatory addition of freshly squeezed lemon juice is recommended; take until the condition improves;
- hemorrhoids, rectal inflammation: apply microclysters (50 ml) prepared as follows: brew 1 packet of tea in a glass of water, cool; course duration - 2 weeks. In case of persistent hemorrhoids and proctitis, it is recommended to add 1 teaspoon of Solaris lotion to the prepared composition;
- swelling of the legs: a small amount of honey and lemon juice should be added to the prepared tea; to improve the diuretic effect, it is recommended to drink the tea warm;
- burns: apply a gauze cloth soaked in warm tea to the burn site, constantly moisturizing it and preventing it from drying out and cooling;
- hypertension, high blood cholesterol: drinking Gonsin tea is recommended daily to prevent stroke, to lower blood pressure and improve cerebral circulation;
- poisoning: it is good to rinse the stomach with plenty of warm water, forcibly causing a gag reflex, and then apply the gonsin diet;
- weight loss: drink 2 times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals, 1 glass of Gonsin tea, brewed in the proportion - 1 tea bag to 1 glass of water.
special instructions
Gonshin tea is not a medicine. Before using it, you should consult your doctor.
Terms and conditions of storage
Store in a dry place protected from light at temperatures up to 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.
Shelf life is 2 years.
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!