
Autohemotherapy is a cosmetic and medical procedure performed by subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of blood taken from his own vein to a patient. This technique is based on the principle of "treat like like". According to scientists, blood, the main part of which is water, "remembers" information about the pathologies present in the body and, upon repeated introduction, finds the source of the disease and destroys it.
The first successful experience with autohemotherapy was described by the surgeon August Bier in 1905, who used this procedure to create artificial hematomas for the treatment of fractures. Subsequently, experts attempted to strengthen the immunity of patients with chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases, furunculosis, etc. with the help of autohemotherapy.
Today autohemotherapy is a part of immunocorrective therapy and is widely used in cosmetology.
The principle of autohemotherapy
The classic autohemotherapy procedure is the intramuscular or subcutaneous injection of the patient's own fresh blood, not mixed with any substances and not subjected to any influences. Most often, autohemotherapy, according to the reviews of those who have undergone this procedure, is carried out as follows: a person's blood is taken from a vein and injected intramuscularly into the upper quadrant of the buttock. In order to prevent the appearance of infiltrates (the so-called areas of tissue with a characteristic accumulation of foreign cellular elements, with increased density and increased volume), a heating pad is applied to the injection site for a while.
At the beginning of treatment according to the classical scheme, 2 ml of blood is injected into the body, then every 2-3 days its volume increases by another 2 ml until it reaches 10 ml. During one course, the patient is usually given about 10-15 injections, however, in each case, the duration of treatment and the volume of injected blood will be different.
In addition to the classic, there are also the following options for autohemotherapy:
- Step autohemotherapy. The principle of the procedure is to dilute the patient's venous blood in several homeopathic preparations, the selection of which is carried out by a specialist individually, depending on the characteristics of the patient's body and the nature of the course of his disease. In this case, blood is injected intramuscularly or subcutaneously in one session;
- Autohemotherapy with ozonation. The essence of this method is mixing blood with ozone, which enhances its therapeutic properties, increasing the efficiency of getting rid of gynecological problems;
- Biopuncture. This type of treatment belongs to the author's. It consists in the introduction of small doses of venous blood not into the muscles, but into painful, reflexogenic and acupuncture points, which can significantly reduce the duration of therapy;
- Autoblood treatment. With this method of autohemotherapy, the patient's blood is exposed to a certain physical effect: X-rays, ultraviolet light, laser, freezing, which also makes it possible to enhance the therapeutic effect of autohemotherapy.
Indications for autohemotherapy

The minimum of contraindications and side effects, coupled with stable positive results, made autohemotherapy one of the most popular methods for treating sluggish and recurrent diseases. When carrying out this procedure, specialists note the persistent activation of the rehabilitation and defense mechanisms of the body, intensive healing of wounds and injuries, accelerated recovery from inflammatory diseases, and an increase in mental and physical performance.
Having an extremely positive effect on our body, autohemotherapy helps to get rid of such diseases as:
- Chronic cytomegalovirus infection;
- Chronic inflammatory process in the appendages and uterus;
- Genital herpes;
- Adhesion process in the small pelvis;
- Climacteric syndrome;
- Condylomatosis, papillomatosis;
- Infertility.
According to reviews, autohemotherapy allows:
- Get rid of purulent processes in soft tissues;
- Improve metabolism;
- Strengthen immunity;
- Improve blood circulation and lymph flow;
- Normalize the work of the endocrine system;
- Remove toxins and toxins from the body;
- Restore efficiency, increase vitality.
The popularity of autohemotherapy for acne is great. The technique is an excellent alternative to taking antibiotics in the presence of problem skin that does not respond to treatment with external agents - creams, lotions, masks.
The essence of autohemotherapy for acne is to stimulate the body's defense reactions due to the poisons, toxins, toxins, toxins contained in the blood, and other "debris", which is a common cause of skin diseases. As a result of autohemotherapy, immunity increases, which is detrimental to pustular infections. Despite its effectiveness, autohemotherapy does not relieve the patient from daily hygiene procedures for skin care.
According to reviews, the effectiveness of autohemotherapy for acne is about 80%.
The venous blood transfusion procedure has found wide application in cosmetology. In this case, indications for autohemotherapy are not only skin diseases, acne, acne, but also premature aging of the skin in women over 30 years old. Rejuvenation of the body occurs due to the restoration of the endocrine status and hormonal levels of the patient due to the infusion of its own potentiated hormones.
Contraindications to autohemotherapy
There are a lot of indications for autohemotherapy, but several limitations can be identified. Among them:
- Acute myocardial infarction;
- Psychoses;
- Severe arrhythmias;
- Epilepsy;
- Oncological diseases;
- Pregnancy and lactation.
As a contraindication to autohemotherapy, the introduction of blood in large volumes is unacceptable, which can lead to an increase in body temperature, chills, muscle pain, and a local inflammatory reaction of the body.
According to reviews of autohemotherapy, it is undesirable to combine the procedure with taking antibiotics.
Autohemotherapy at home
Transfusion of your own blood is such a simple procedure that it can be carried out at home if there are indications for autohemotherapy. However, in this case, several important points must be observed:
- Have minimal medical skills or use the services of a specialist;
- Apply the classic method of autohemotherapy and strictly observe the dosage;
- Observe sterility.
If you have the slightest doubt about the correctness of the procedure, it is better to refuse autohemotherapy at home and conduct a session in any medical institution.
The absence of contraindications to autohemotherapy is not the reason for the independent appointment of this procedure. In any case, before carrying out this therapy, the patient must undergo an examination and consult a doctor.
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