Withdrawal Syndrome - Symptoms, Treatment, How Long

Withdrawal Syndrome - Symptoms, Treatment, How Long
Withdrawal Syndrome - Symptoms, Treatment, How Long

Withdrawal syndrome

Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome - Symptoms and Treatment
Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome - Symptoms and Treatment

After the end of taking medications prescribed for the relief of certain conditions, all of a sudden, all the symptoms return. The patient's condition worsens several times, up to coma. This is the manifestation of the withdrawal syndrome, which has been known in medicine since the use of hormone therapy began. The first case was described in a patient taking insulin. The situation with diabetes mellitus was not indicative, since insulin intake was immediately resumed. A completely different situation is developing with drugs - glucocorticoids. These are vital hormones that are prescribed in situations where all other drugs are ineffective. When glucocorticoid withdrawal syndrome develops, the clinical picture is much more dangerous than it was before hormone therapy began.

Hormonal withdrawal syndrome

Sudden cessation of hormonal drugs leads to a “breakaway syndrome”, the manifestations of which depend on the mechanism of action of medicinal drugs. After glucocorticoid therapy, the disease worsens, for the treatment of which hormones were prescribed. In severe cases, adrenal insufficiency syndrome manifests itself, which develops rapidly and often ends in cardiac arrest. Therefore, at present, the withdrawal syndrome of glucocorticoids does not develop, since clear schemes have been developed for the phased reduction in dosages of hormonal drugs. The patient's body gradually "gets used" to reducing the dose of exogenous hormone and begins to develop its own.

The rebound effect is well known in gynecology. To date, this is the only example in medicine when withdrawal syndrome leads to a positive result. So, after a three-month intake of hormonal contraceptives, the withdrawal of the drug stimulates the release of its own hormones. This stimulates ovulation. Perhaps several eggs at the same time. Fertility treatment is based on this.

A similar withdrawal state occurs after long-term use of any drug, even "ordinary aspirin", which is prescribed to thin the blood. In the case of anticoagulants, withdrawal syndrome also develops, the symptoms of which indicate increased blood viscosity and a tendency to form blood clots.

Withdrawal syndrome, symptoms of withdrawal symptoms

In psychiatric practice, the abolition of a drug that affects the central nervous system leads to a deterioration in health, which is manifested by the suffering of the whole organism, "accustomed" to constant doping.

The developed withdrawal syndrome in psychiatry is regarded as a sign of the patient's dependence on a particular drug.

Antidepressant withdrawal syndrome

After an abrupt cessation of antidepressants, depression returns with all its manifestations. When the dosage of the drug is calculated for a gradual decrease, the manifestations of withdrawal are smoothed out. However, the melancholy state continues for some time. It is leveled by the intake of herbal remedies, normotonics. In cases where antidepressant withdrawal syndrome occurs under the supervision of a physician, dangerous complications are usually excluded. If a person takes drugs uncontrollably, and then the reserves run out, cancellation can provoke severe physiological reactions of the body, which are not limited to insomnia and depressed mood, but are manifested by convulsions, tremors, and strong heartbeat. Withdrawal syndrome disappears as if by magic after taking the same drug once. Of coursethis exacerbates drug dependence.

The situation is somewhat different with alcohol, which is never prescribed for therapeutic purposes. However, the developed withdrawal syndrome can also lead to undesirable consequences, up to and including death.

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome

Alcohol withdrawal is characterized by a health disorder that manifests itself in the following disorders:

  • Mental;
  • Neurological;
  • Somatic.

Mental disorder, alcoholic delirium, develops as alcohol withdrawal syndrome on the third or fourth day after stopping alcohol intake. By this time, almost all the signs of a hangover have passed, but they suddenly return. Most often at night. Frightening hallucinations can provoke aggression directed both at others and at the patient himself. Drinking alcohol during this period does not bring relief.

Neurological manifestations are characterized by tremors, seizures, pseudo-paralysis. The developed alcohol withdrawal syndrome leads to violations of the sensitivity of the skin, increased sweating, not associated with increased body temperature or the environment.

Somatic disorders lead to the following suffering:

  • Digestive system;
  • Genitourinary;
  • Cardiovascular.
Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome - What To Look For
Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome - What To Look For

On the part of the digestive system, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting are noted.

The suffering of the genitourinary system consists in a decrease in potency and impaired urination.

The rapidly developing alcohol withdrawal syndrome after a long binge poses a particular danger to life, due to degenerative changes in the myocardium. The following situation occurs - without another intake of alcohol, the heart stops.

Nicotine withdrawal syndrome

After a person quits smoking, he experiences something similar to withdrawal symptoms with alcoholism. However, the manifestations of nicotine withdrawal are much easier, although, at the end of withdrawal, psychological dependence remains. Since nicotine withdrawal syndrome is also not found in medicine, this condition is acquired on their own. However, it needs medical correction.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
