
The periodontium is a complex of tissues that are located between the root of the tooth and the alveolus (tooth socket). One of the most common complications of caries (35-50% of the total) is periodontitis.
Periodontitis is an acute and chronic inflammation of the periodontium, in which there is a violation of the integrity of the ligaments holding the tooth in the alveolus, resorption of bone tissue up to the appearance of cysts. Resorption of the bone of the alveoli leads to pathological mobility of the tooth.
Periodontitis classification
The following classification of periodontitis, adopted in Russia, has slight discrepancies with its classification abroad. Russian dentists distinguish:
- Acute periodontitis, which in turn is subdivided into serous and purulent.
- Chronic periodontitis - fibrous, granulating and granulomatous
- Aggravated chronic periodontitis.
Causes (etiology) of periodontitis
The most important etiological factors of periodontitis include: microflora of the oral cavity, occlusion (smack), abnormal positions of the teeth, dental deposits. The general condition of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems, metabolic disorders in the body, and vitamin imbalance are of great importance.
Periodontitis in children usually occurs for an infectious and traumatic cause.
Typical symptoms of periodontitis
The emerging periodontitis, the symptoms of which are characteristic and easily diagnosed, must be prevented at the very beginning. For this, it is strongly recommended that you see a doctor in a timely manner. This recommendation especially applies to parents who have small children - it is up to you to systematically monitor the condition of your child's teeth.
The first signs of periodontitis are the unpleasant sensations of "aching" gums when eating with different temperature conditions, bleeding gums when brushing teeth and bad breath.
Acute periodontitis, as a rule, is characterized by the appearance at the initial stage of sudden severe pain without external stimulus in the area of the diseased tooth. Feeling of a "grown" tooth, pain can subside when exposed to a cold area of the inflamed area. At the next stage of the development of inflammation, the pain becomes pulsating, and facial edema may appear. At this stage, an increase in lymph nodes and an increase in the patient's temperature to 38C are characteristic. If you do not go to the dentist, then after 1.5-2 weeks, acute periodontitis becomes chronic.
Chronic periodontitis is accompanied by a noticeable increase in the mobility of the teeth, their position changes, and interdental gaps are formed. Bleeding gums can occur even without mechanical impact on them. There is a systematic discharge of pus, abscesses, and acute pain.
Chronic periodontitis is characterized by its periodicity - the exacerbation of periodontitis is replaced by the subsiding of the process, and the patient during these periods can calm down, once again, postponing the visit to the doctor. During periods when periodontitis aggravates, the gum turns red and swells, toothache is constant and intensifies from touching the tooth. An increase in body temperature is observed.
Exacerbation of periodontitis requires surgical methods to remove purulent contents. This prevents tissue necrosis, the spread of inflammation, eliminates or reduces pain. After removing the pus, the doctor begins treatment for periodontitis.
Methods for diagnosing periodontitis
Diagnosis of periodontitis is carried out by traditional clinical methods, which allow to identify the focus of the disease and the degree of development of the inflammatory process. When diagnosing periodontitis in children, the doctor encounters difficulties in collecting anamnesis at the first stage - a survey, since the child perceives pain emotionally and cannot always clearly convey his feelings.
Clinical diagnosis of periodontitis includes:
- patient survey;
- examination of the oral cavity;
- probing of the entrance to the tooth cavity;
- temperature tests;
- palpation - especially effective in children due to the structural features of children's jaws;
- determination of tooth mobility by the method of translational movements and indentation;
- more accurate diagnosis are used: X-ray examination, radiovisiography, electrodontodiagnostics and transillumination.
Periodontitis treatment

Having diagnosed periodontitis, the doctor prescribes treatment, as a rule, complex and phased. Treatment of acute periodontitis usually requires immediate intervention and includes:
- elimination of the focus of inflammation (withdrawal of pus);
- complex physiotherapy procedure
- subsequent filling.
If the treatment is ineffective, the tooth is removed.
If the patient has already had a transition from acute to chronic periodontitis, treatment is carried out depending on the complexity and development of the disease. And the effectiveness of all subsequent procedures depends on the stage at which the patient falls into the hands of a professional.
Periodontitis in children is associated with some features of the use of the above treatment methods. Conservative therapy does not in all cases allow to eliminate the focus of infection. To treat periodontitis in a child, the doctor must conduct a thorough and complete diagnosis to be sure that the inflammatory process has not spread to the rudiment of a permanent tooth
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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!