Endocervical Cysts - Symptoms, Treatment, Causes

Endocervical Cysts - Symptoms, Treatment, Causes
Endocervical Cysts - Symptoms, Treatment, Causes

Endocervical cysts

Endocervical cyst in the ultrasound picture
Endocervical cyst in the ultrasound picture

Endocervix is the mucous membrane that lines the cervix. On this membrane, cysts can form along the cervical canal.

Endocervical cysts look like cystic enlarged glands. Single endocervical cysts may occur, and small endocervical cysts may be observed throughout the cervical canal. You can determine the presence of cysts on an ultrasound examination. According to statistics, endocervical cysts are observed in almost every woman 35-40 years old who had given birth earlier. However, in recent years, cases of cysts have become more frequent in young women who have never given birth before.

The main causes and symptoms of endocervical cysts

The homogeneous structure of the muscular wall of the uterus is considered the norm. In women who have previously given birth, the presence of hyperechoic and anechoic inclusions (up to 5 mm or more) is also considered the norm. However, hyperechoic inclusions, as a rule, develop into endocervical cysts. They arise as a result of the healing of erosion of the cervix or as a result of blockage of the ducts of the glands, which leads to the accumulation of secretions in these glands. Mostly endocervical cysts are benign, therefore they do not require surgical intervention. Nevertheless, the presence of symptoms of endocervical cysts is a serious reason for a detailed examination of a woman.

Sometimes small cysts of the endocervix occupy almost the entire surface of the cervix, but this is not fraught with negative consequences for a woman. They practically do not have a negative effect on a woman's ability to fertilize and bear a fetus.

The most common causes of endocervical cysts are cervicitis and colpitis. Not the last place in their occurrence is the erosion of the cervix and its treatment.

Diagnosis of endocervical cysts

There are different methods for diagnosing this disease. The most affordable and simplest way is ultrasound. Also, an extended colposcopy is considered a rather informative method. The procedure is an examination with a special microscope. This allows you to carefully examine the cervix for various neoplasms.

If a doctor suspects the presence of a cyst during an ultrasound examination of a patient, then she is referred for an extended colposcopy in order to clarify the diagnosis.

Also, to clarify the diagnosis of endocervical cysts, an oncocytological examination of a smear can be performed, which will give more accurate results if it is carried out in the second half of the menstrual cycle.

Radio wave treatment of endocervical cysts
Radio wave treatment of endocervical cysts

Another rather effective research method is the PAP smear, with which you can determine the initial stages of precancerous changes in the cervix. A similar smear is made using special fixatives and paint composition. It will be better for a woman to go through all the stages of the examination, as this will help her to know exactly the state of her health.

Treatment of endocervical cysts

If, during the examination, a single endocervical cyst with a benign course was found in a woman, then its treatment is not carried out. Treatment is indicated in cases where cysts are clearly visible during visual examination by a gynecologist in the mirrors and are located near the vaginal area of the cervix.

There are also other treatments for endocervical cysts:

  • A radiosurgical method, in which the cyst is punctured, after which the secretion is drained;
  • Radio wave method;
  • Cryotherapy, which is applied to deeply located cysts. This method consists in the use of low temperatures. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis using liquid nitrogen. It is carried out, as a rule, after the end of menstruation;
  • A contraindication to cryotherapy is the presence of any inflammatory process;
  • If the cyst is complicated by the presence of chronic adnexitis or if tumor-like formations of an inflammatory nature are found, surgical treatment is performed.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
