Pubic bone
Pubic bone. general information

The pubic bone is one of the three bones that form the pelvic bone. This is a paired bone, consisting of a body and two branches: upper and lower, located at an angle to each other. The vertical formation connecting the two upper branches of the pubic bone is called the pubic symphysis or pubic articulation. The body of the pubic bone forms the anterior part of the acetabulum, and its union with the branches forms the obturator opening, which is closed by the obturator membrane.
The structure of the pubic bone is somewhat different between the sexes. So, the pubic bone in women with the correct physique has the shape of a roller, the thickness of which is approximately equal to the thickness of the thumb. The pubic bone in women forms an eminence, a kind of arc that hangs over the vaginal opening, without being an obstacle to sexual intercourse.
The pubic bones in men, when combined, form a subpubic angle.
Causes of pain in the pubic bone
The occurrence of pubic pain in most cases is caused by pathological processes in the pubic region. The causes of pubic bone pain are most often:
- the presence of an injury to the pubic bones (one of them or both);
- distension of the pubic articulation (symphysis), accompanying pregnancy - symphysitis;
- rupture of the pubic symphysis during childbirth - symphysiolysis;
- abnormal development of the pubic bones;
- cancer of the bladder (while pain in the pubic region and the bones forming it acquire a "reflected" character);
- infectious diseases of the pubic bones (these include tuberculosis of the symphysis, osteomyelitis of the pubis).
Pubic bone during pregnancy
Often, women during pregnancy complain that the pubic bone hurts.
As a rule, complaints of this nature occur in the second half of pregnancy and are common to all women who are expecting a baby.
The fact is that with the approach of the expected date of birth, the body is increasingly preparing for the birth of a baby. All systems and organs involved during childbirth undergo changes. Pubic bones are no exception. Under the influence of the hormone relaxin, the ligaments and cartilage in the area of the pubic bones articulation soften, which facilitates the further passage of the child through the birth canal. In some cases, however, the process of softening the pubic bones proceeds with complications, in which pain occurs in the region of the pubic bones. If its intensity is low and does not cause serious concern, then such pain can be attributed to the norm. Severe and severe pain in the pubic bone during pregnancy, accompanied by the appearance of edema and sprains in the area of the pubic articulation, is a clear symptom of symphysitis. In addition, most often a womansuffering from this disease is characterized by a characteristic "duck" gait.
The causes of symphysitis or pathological stretching of the pubic articulation, as a rule, are hereditary parameters and individual characteristics of the female body. In some cases, symphysitis occurs against the background of a lack of calcium.

Excessive soreness of the pubic bone during pregnancy is a reason to consult a traumatologist or surgeon. In case of confirmation of the diagnosis of symphysitis, it is recommended to reduce physical activity, wear a special bandage, adhere to bed rest, and take medications containing calcium.
Other pain in the pubic area
The cause of pain in the pubic bone in men on the right or left side of the pubis is most often the presence of an inguinal hernia. If the pubic bone hurts in the center of the pubis, it is usually a symptom of chronic prostatitis.
Also, pain in the pubic bone region occurs with osteomyelitis, which results in inflammation of the symphysis. The symptoms of this disease resemble those of symphysitis during pregnancy: pain in the pubic area, the intensity of which increases with pressure on the pubic bone, waddling gait, pain on the inner side of the thigh. It should be noted that osteomyelitis of the pubic bone can occur when the body is damaged by tuberculosis pathogens.
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