Biliary dyskinesia
The content of the article:
- Causes and risk factors
- Forms of the disease
- Symptoms
- Features of the course of the disease in children
- Diagnostics
- Treatment
- Possible complications and consequences
- Forecast
- Prevention
Dyskinesia of the biliary tract is a functional disease of the biliary tract, which is based on impaired motility of the gallbladder and its ducts, which leads to a violation of the outflow of bile into the duodenum. Dyskinesia of the biliary tract is approximately 70% in the structure of pathologies of the biliary system. Women are more susceptible to pathology.

Biliary dyskinesia - impaired motility of the gallbladder and its ducts
Causes and risk factors
Dyskinesia of the biliary tract can be triggered by other diseases (gastritis, acute viral hepatitis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, etc.), and can also develop against the background of hormonal disorders, helminthic invasions, food allergies. In addition, an unhealthy and irregular diet, a sedentary lifestyle, surgery, alcohol abuse, and negative psycho-emotional situations (distress) contribute to the onset of the disease.
Forms of the disease
There are two main forms of biliary dyskinesia:
- hyperkinetic (hypermotor);
- hypokinetic (hypomotor).
The hyperkinetic form is more often observed in young patients, while the hypokinetic form is more typical for the older age group.
The clinical picture depends on the form of biliary dyskinesia.

Pain in the right hypochondrium occurs with both forms of biliary dyskinesia, but of a different nature
In the hyperkinetic form, there are attacks of acute cramping pain in the right hypochondrium. The pain can radiate to the right shoulder blade, forearm or back, not accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
In the hypokinetic form of the disease, patients complain of a dull aching pain of the same localization (but with no clear irradiation), which can last for quite a long time. The onset of pain can be associated with food intake, as well as stressful situations.
Symptoms common to both forms include:
- dyspeptic disorders (bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, belching, constipation, diarrhea, etc.);
- decreased appetite;
- weakness, increased fatigue, irritability;
- apathy;
- tachycardia;
- headache;
- sweating;
- violation of the menstrual cycle in women;
- decreased libido.
In women, chronic diseases associated with the phases of the menstrual cycle may worsen.
Features of the course of the disease in children
Children are characterized by a predominantly latent course of biliary dyskinesia against the background of lethargy, apathy, decreased academic performance and rapid fatigue. The disease can manifest itself as pain in the right hypochondrium after exercise.
To detect dyskinesia of the biliary tract, use the data of anamnesis, physical examination, laboratory tests (biochemical blood test is especially important), as well as instrumental examination methods (ultrasound, fractional duodenal intubation, X-ray contrast cholegraphy, etc.).

Ultrasound of the biliary tract is included in the diagnostic complex for biliary dyskinesia
It is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis of the disease with other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, in which there are similar symptoms.
With a confirmed diagnosis, drug treatment is indicated. The choice of medications depends on the form of the disease.
With a hyperkinetic form, antispasmodics, analgesics, choleretic agents are prescribed; with a hypokinetic form, cholekinetic agents are used. A prerequisite for therapy is adherence to a diet:
- with a hyperkinetic form, fatty, spicy foods, carbonated drinks, pickled foods, smoked meats are excluded from the diet;
- with a hypokinetic form, the daily diet should include foods with a choleretic effect [bran, fresh vegetables (with the exception of radishes, garlic), fruits (citrus fruits, pears, melons, watermelons, prunes), fruit and vegetable juices, vegetable oil, herbs]. Heavy, fried, spicy foods are excluded.

Diet is of great importance in the treatment of biliary dyskinesia
In addition, physiotherapeutic methods, herbal medicine, mineral waters (with high mineralization - with a hypokinetic form, with medium and low mineralization - with a hyperkinetic form of the disease) are used in the treatment of the disease. All patients are shown physiotherapy exercises (especially swimming in a moderate mode).
Most often, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis.
Possible complications and consequences
Biliary dyskinesia can contribute to the development of diabetes mellitus, as well as cholecystitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis.
Usually, the disease can be successfully treated, and the ability to work remains.
In order to prevent biliary dyskinesia, the following are shown:
- balanced diet;
- regular food intake;
- absence of excessive physical as well as mental stress;
- timely treatment of pathologies of the digestive tract.
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Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author
Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".
The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!