Watermelon Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Watermelon Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips
Watermelon Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Watermelon diet

Probably, there are no people who would not like watermelon. Even if there are any, they are only an exception, confirming the rule: the watermelon is everyone's favorite. Not surprising - given its freshness, unobtrusive but pronounced sweetness and ability to perfectly quench thirst. In the heat, appetite naturally decreases, and sometimes you don't want anything but watermelon. Perhaps this is what led to the emergence of the watermelon diet, which has won a lot of fans. The author is unknown, however, there is no doubt that many people are grateful to him for the idea.

The essence is very simple. The watermelon diet has three modifications, in two of them watermelon is the only product allowed for consumption, and in the third, bread is still allowed. The diet is easier to tolerate in the hot season, from late July to mid-September. The ideal time for her is sultry August. It is then that watermelons are the safest in terms of their nitrate content and are affordable.

The watermelon diet is designed for a period of three to seven days, weight loss with it is approximately 400-500 g per day.

Watermelon - the basis of the watermelon diet
Watermelon - the basis of the watermelon diet

Source: depositphotos.com

Advantages of the watermelon diet

The main advantages of the watermelon diet are its safety (and in most cases, significant health benefits), simplicity, low cost and high efficiency. The calorie content of watermelon is low, it is rich in water, so even if you eat it to your fill, without limiting yourself, it is unlikely that you will be able to go beyond 1500-1800 kcal per day. Due to the high fructose content, one of the side effects of most low-calorie diets - lethargy and headache - is absent.

Watermelon helps to eliminate toxins and toxins from the body, therefore, the watermelon diet is recommended for people who have been eating incorrectly for a long time. Easily digested, watermelon rests the digestive system and at the same time supports intestinal motility. Therefore, the watermelon diet is recommended for those who are prone to constipation.

And, of course, the advantages of the watermelon diet include the taste of the main product. It's not hard to stick to a diet when you enjoy it. Say what you like, but sweet, aromatic watermelon is not at all the same as oatmeal in water without salt and sugar.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the watermelon diet

Like most dietary food systems, the watermelon diet, despite its impressive list of beneficial properties, is not without its drawbacks.

One of the main disadvantages is the need to change the usual way of life. With a watermelon diet, urination is significantly increased, so it is unlikely that it will work to combine it with work outside the home.

Another significant drawback of the watermelon diet is its low calorie content. While this property can help you lose weight quickly, it can also lead to rapid weight gain after dieting. To prevent this from happening, getting out of the diet should last at least as long as the diet itself. In other words, after three days on a watermelon diet, at least the next three days, you need to seriously limit your diet, gradually and gradually introducing new dishes into the menu.

And the main thing: watermelon contains many useful substances, but, of course, not everything that a person needs. The watermelon diet, even in the extended version (with bread), is referred to as mono-diets, and the main disadvantage of the diets of this group is nutritional deficiencies. Adhering to it for a long time without damage to health will not work.

The watermelon diet is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • kidney disease (acute or acute);
  • enuresis;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the pancreas;
  • diseases of the prostate gland.

What foods are allowed?

Only watermelon is allowed. If such a mono-diet is too difficult to tolerate, but it is undesirable to refuse it, it is permissible to eat a little bread.

During the watermelon diet, you can drink water without restrictions.

What foods are prohibited?

In addition to the products listed above, nothing can be eaten.

Watermelon diet menu

The first version of the watermelon diet is very simple: you can eat watermelon as much and when you want. The only limitation is that you should not gorge on watermelon later than three hours before bedtime, otherwise you can ruin your sleep by constantly jogging to the toilet.

The second option: your weight should be divided by 10, the resulting figure is the number of kilograms of watermelon that should be eaten per day (in this case, the weight of not only the pulp, but also the crust is taken into account). This amount is divided into five to six doses, the interval between which should be about three hours.

The third option, in the part concerning watermelon, completely repeats the previous option, but dried bread is added. It is advisable to take whole grain, rye or bran bread. With each use of watermelon, it is allowed to eat a piece of bread weighing about 30 g.

Watermelon fasting days are very effective; in the absence of contraindications, they can be carried out twice a week. If you do this regularly, there will be a smooth weight loss without any negative health effects. In this case, the plumb line per month will be from 3 to 5 kg.

Useful Tips

Tip 1. The ideal time for the watermelon diet is from late July to mid-September.

Advice 2. In order for the diet to have a healing effect, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of watermelons - buy them only at official points of sale, pay attention to the absence of damage to the skin.

Diet characteristic final grade Duration: 3 or 7 days

2.5 out of 5

An effective diet to follow in the summer heat. It allows you not only to lose weight, but also to remove toxins from the body. And for those who find it difficult to follow a diet, watermelon fasting days are suitable.

Recommended frequency: once a month Weight loss rate: Safety: Variety of products:

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