Electrophoresis For Adults And Children

Electrophoresis For Adults And Children
Electrophoresis For Adults And Children

Electrophoresis for adults and children

Electrophoresis for adults and children
Electrophoresis for adults and children

Electrophoresis is a method of introducing a drug into the body directly through the skin, for which a weak electric current is used, in which the drug breaks down into ions that easily penetrate the body through the protective integuments - skin and mucous membranes. This method is very effective and widely used in the treatment of many diseases, and electrophoresis is used in children and adults with practically no age restrictions. In medical practice, it is believed that electrophoresis is one of the mildest and safest methods of using drugs, and there are good reasons for this.

First, any drug in the form of ions is much more active than usual, because ions, that is, particles with a charge, are one of the most active forms of a substance. Secondly, the medicine is delivered directly to the focus of the disease, bypassing the rest of the organs and tissues, without irritating the stomach and intestines and without decomposing there. This is a very important point, since with the usual methods of using medicinal substances through the mouth or in the form of injections, the drug often enters the inflammatory focus in the last turn, due to the inflammatory edema and circulatory disorders present there. Due to these properties of electrophoresis, when a drug is administered with its help, a much lower dosage is required to achieve the desired concentration than usual. All this makes it possible to widely use electrophoresis for children, as well as for adults,even those at risk for one reason or another.

Often, on various resources devoted to the health of children, one can find disturbing questions from parents about the acceptability of electrophoresis for young children. Pediatricians assure that it is this method of treatment that is the most preferable for babies, as the safest and also painless. Usually, before the age of one year, electrophoresis is indicated for children in the presence of muscle hypertonicity, or excessive muscle tension. In this case, electrophoresis not only allows you to safely and accurately inject the drug directly into the muscles, but also gently relaxes them due to the therapeutic effect of the electric current.

Because of this property, electrophoresis is especially indicated in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, not only in children, but also in adults: arthritis, arthrosis, muscle sprains, damage to the ligamentous apparatus, sports injuries. Also, with the help of electrophoresis in children and adults, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, peripheral nervous system, diseases of the female and male genital tract and other diseases are effectively treated in children and adults, during the therapy of which there is a need for local administration of a medicinal substance.

Despite the broad indications for use, there are still contraindications to this method. These are skin pathologies in the place where electrodes should be applied, malignant tumor diseases, as well as a rare pathology - intolerance to an electric current, even a weak one. In other cases, electrophoresis is well tolerated by both children and adults.

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