Brief description of the disease

Atheroma is a benign soft formation under the skin of a rounded shape that appears due to a blockage of the sebaceous gland duct. Most often it can be found on the face, scalp, armpits, perineum, scrotum, labia, back of the neck, interscapular space - where a large number of sebaceous glands are located.
Sometimes atheroma is called a wen, it can be of different sizes - from a small pea to a nut, and even larger.
Causes of atheroma
Metabolic disorders and unfavorable environmental conditions, trauma, hormonal disorders can cause atheroma.
Symptoms of atheroma
Atheroma rarely causes painful sensations and it is possible to understand that it is it with a visual medical examination.
Atheroma often becomes infected, inflamed, and festering. As a result, it turns red, increases, becomes painful, a person's body temperature rises.
Diagnosis of atheroma
To make a diagnosis, an atheroma-like formation is examined by a doctor.
It can be previously designated as atheroma based on the typical location and appearance of the formation - it has clear boundaries, it does not cause painful sensations, and a blocked entrance to the sebaceous duct (in the form of a black dot) is visible on its surface.
But such a wen is very similar to a lipoma, and therefore the correct and final diagnosis can be made only after morphological or histological studies, according to the results of which lipoma and malignancy of the formation are excluded.
Treatment of atheroma
Official medicine in relation to the treatment of atheroma offers only its removal. Three methods are now available: classical surgery, laser and radio wave removal of atheroma.

The choice of the method of treatment almost always remains with the patient, since all these methods are equally applicable to atheroma of any size.
The advantages of laser and radio wave methods are a high cosmetic effect, the patient's ability to work, and the absence of a rehabilitation period.
Only if the wen has become inflamed, and purulent masses have gathered inside, the atheroma is not removed - it is opened, cleaned of the contents and drug treatment is prescribed.
Despite the categorical attitude of official medicine to the treatment of atheroma, folk remedies are also practiced. But it must be remembered that alternative treatment of atheroma usually does not give an instant result and it is impossible to treat an inflamed wen like that, as this carries the danger of infecting neighboring tissues.
Such recipes for folk treatment of atheroma are especially popular:
- treatment with lamb fat. Warm melted mutton fat is rubbed into the atheroma.
- Treatment by a mother and stepmother. Fresh leaves of the plant must be applied to the atheroma and secured with a plaster or bandage. Such a compress is changed once a day.
- Treatment with a decoction of burdock root. Make lotions with strained and cooled burdock broth (2 tablespoons for 0.5 liters of water).
- Treatment with baked onions. A small onion baked and grated into a gruel must be mixed with grated household soap (1 tablespoon). The resulting mass is applied to atheroma and covered with a bandage. The compress must be changed two to three times a day.
- Garlic treatment. A few cloves of garlic are ground and a little sunflower oil is added. The resulting gruel is rubbed into the atheroma with light massage movements.
Alternative treatment of atheroma is usually carried out until it disappears completely
Prevention of atheroma
Since atheroma occurs due to a violation of the outflow of sebaceous secretion, you should regularly carry out cosmetic procedures to cleanse the pores on the skin: masks, plastic massage, steam baths. Particular attention should be paid to areas where the greasiness of the skin is most pronounced. Drying shampoos are used to reduce the greasiness of the scalp.
In addition to personal hygiene, nutrition is also of great importance in the prevention of atheroma. You should try to consume as little as possible foods containing carbohydrates, animal fats.
If removal of atheromas does not help, and they recur, you should contact an endocrinologist. Perhaps the cause of atheroma lies in the pathology of the endocrine system.
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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!