Papillomas on the penis
The content of the article:
- Kinds
- Reasons for the appearance
- Appearance
Removal of formations
- Drug therapy
- Destructive methods
- Video
Anogenital warts or papillomas on the penis is one of the clinical manifestations of papillomavirus infection, which is a consequence of infection with HPV (human papillomavirus). These neoplasms are benign in nature, but they can degenerate into malignant forms.

Papillomas on the penis are formed as a result of infection with certain strains of the papillomavirus
In men, several clinical variants are distinguished.
A type | Features: |
Warty | This variant of genital warts outwardly resembles typical warts that are localized on the body and head of the penis. They form for a long time and are least at risk of rebirth. |
Hyperplastic | A more dangerous form of the disease than the previous one. The reason is the tendency for the formations to merge with the formation of dense foci. They are localized on the inner layer of the foreskin and cause severe discomfort during urination and intercourse. Have a high risk of degeneration due to constant maceration with urine. |
"Sedentary" (without a leg) |
Refers to precancerous diseases and is more common in older people. Outwardly they differ from typical formations - pigmented, slightly protrude above the skin (before starting treatment, diagnosis with other skin formations is required). Localized on the body of the penis. |
With the prolonged existence of education and the absence of treatment, a number of HPV-induced tumors may occur, which should be differentiated from papillomas:
- Giant condyloma Buschke - Levenshtein. Outwardly it looks like genital warts, but covers the entire shaft of the penis, foreskin and glans. It starts out as a typical benign form but grows extremely rapidly.
- Bowen's disease, or cancer in situ. Most often occurs in the area of the penis trunk. Outwardly, it resembles a wart (single, pinkish, with crusts on the surface and a somewhat sunken center). Ulceration occurs as the disease progresses. Slowly progressive form, characteristic of people over 40.
- Erythroplasia of Keira. It is usually located on the glans penis, the inner leaf of the foreskin and the coronal groove. Outwardly, it looks like a bright red plaque with a shiny surface.
- Bowenoid papulosis. Located in the area of the shaft of the penis, less often on the head, foreskin, frenulum and coronal groove. It resembles a sedentary type of genital warts (light brown, multiple, may merge). They arise at a young age (25–35 years).
- Squamous cell carcinoma of the penis. Located in the area of the glans penis, foreskin, coronary groove. Initially, it may resemble a typical wart, but as it progresses, ulceration and areas of necrosis develop.
Reasons for the appearance
Papillomas on the penis, as in any other part of the body, are caused by the human papillomavirus. This is a DNA-containing pathogen that has a tropism for the epithelium.
Features of infection:
- The main routes of infection are sexual and contact. As for the contact, it is carried out through the use of common hygiene items (towel, razor) with a sick person.
- The virus stays in the body for a long time without causing vivid clinical manifestations. The first neoplasms may appear long after infection - the duration of this period is individual in each case (from a month to a year).
- The virus is able to embed cells into the DNA, while the membrane itself is destroyed. With the transition to this form, it becomes almost impossible to completely eliminate it from the body (it is extremely difficult to completely cure the patient).
- Immunity after a previous illness is weak and nonspecific. This means that antibodies are produced only against one specific strain and there is always a risk of infection with other types of virus.
- Since genital warts are caused by certain strains of the virus, it is not possible to get infected by touching warts and papillomas on other parts of the body, as they are caused by other strains.
Predisposing factors:
- Visiting public places such as baths, swimming pool. To reduce the risk of infection, it is required to follow the rules of hygiene (change of shoes, individual towel).
- Reduced immunity. This condition can be caused both by the intake of a number of drugs (antibiotics), and by prolonged infectious processes.
- Injuries and microtraumas of the skin. In this case, even minor microcracks in the skin that occur during intercourse with an infected partner are enough for the appearance of a growth. In this case, it does not matter whether the partner has specific external manifestations, since the virus can persist in the blood without symptoms on the skin.
- Frequent change of sexual partners (of any gender), lack of contraception and early onset of sexual activity.
- Chronic diseases of the urinary system that simultaneously affect the functioning of the immune system and cause traumatic damage to the skin (maceration).
- The negative influence of environmental factors (stress, hypothermia, malnutrition) have an indirect effect, weakening it on the immune system.
- As a rule, several simultaneously acting causes are required for the manifestation of this disease.
Papillomas on the genital organ in men have the following classic external manifestations in the photo:
- Pointed growths of skin and mucous membranes of different sizes (from 2-3 mm to 1-2 cm). As a rule, they are on a thin stalk, and hang over unchanged skin. Less commonly, they have a wide massive base and rise slightly above the skin (they resemble classic warts).
- The focus is clearly demarcated from the surrounding tissues. As it grows, it captures the surrounding surface and takes the form of a cauliflower.
- The color varies widely (from pinkish-beige to dark brown). In the case of intense coloration, the formation should be differentiated from typical moles.
- The surface is even, it can be covered with single peeling or crusts.
- Itching and burning when urinating is rare.
- Multiple, less often single growths, which, depending on the shape, can be located on the shaft of the penis, glans, coronal groove, foreskin, as well as in the perineum.
The clinical picture will look depending on the intensity of the disease:
- clinical course (all typical manifestations of the disease);
- subclinical course (periodically appearing rashes with a long period of remission);
- latent course (carriage).
If a neoplasm is found on the penis, a consultation with a dermatovenerologist (urologist and oncologist if necessary) is indicated.
Removal of formations
Treatment of infection and its direct manifestations on the skin is carried out by two main methods - medication and removal by physical methods.
Drug therapy
It implies both a local effect on tissues and a systemic one, in order to reduce the concentration of the virus in the blood. Local drugs include Viferon, Kondilin, Epigen-intim (the dose and duration of the course are prescribed by the urologist or dermatovenerologist individually). It is not necessary to treat papillomas in this area with agents containing acids or alkalis of the Superclean type, since there is a danger of trauma to the surrounding skin with the formation of long-term healing burns. Systemic drugs (Interferon) are used according to the same schemes as in the treatment of papillomas in other areas.
Chemical removal is permissible only by a doctor in a dressing room in compliance with all the rules of asepsis and antiseptics.

Epigen-intim is an antiviral drug that is used to treat anogenital papillomas
Destructive methods
At the moment, they are the gold standard for removing formations on the penis, since they are practically not traumatic, bloodless and have a quick recovery period.
Method | Characteristic |
Laser therapy (optimal technique) | The focus is removed with a concentrated beam of light. |
Cryodestruction | Allows you to get rid of foci using ultra-low temperatures (damage to the surrounding tissues is possible, therefore, it is rarely used in the anatomical zone under consideration). |
Radiosurgery | High-precision effect on the formation of radio wave radiation. |
Electrocoagulation | Removal of papilloma with an electric knife (associated with the risk of scarring on the external male genital organs, therefore it is rarely used). |
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Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author
Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".
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