Progressive And Painless Method Of Treatment Of Urolithiasis

Progressive And Painless Method Of Treatment Of Urolithiasis
Progressive And Painless Method Of Treatment Of Urolithiasis

Progressive and painless method of treatment of urolithiasis

As you already know, traditional methods of dealing with urolithiasis (in particular, lithotripsy) have many side effects, and some patients are extremely difficult to tolerate.

Methods for the treatment of urolithiasis
Methods for the treatment of urolithiasis

In this situation, everyone who suffers from this unpleasant ailment simply needs to know about a new, progressive method of treatment that is suitable for absolutely everyone and has no contraindications. We are talking about the Fizomed belt.

Urolithiasis develops in the human body as a result of impaired renal metabolism. The first sign of the disease is a high level of salt, after which sand is formed, and then stones, differing from each other in chemical index and diameter. Treatment procedures familiar to everyone relieve stones, but do not remove the cause of the disease. This means that after a while the trouble will return, and you will have to start all over again. The advantage of the Fizomed belt is that it not only destroys kidney stones, but also eliminates the very REASON of their appearance.

How does the Fizomed belt work?

It would seem, what can an ordinary-looking belt do? Nevertheless, its effect on the body (in particular, on the kidneys) is quite complex. Fizomed belt:

  • frees the body from excess salts;
  • destroys free sand;
  • destroys stones from the outside;
  • promotes the removal of new sand in a natural way.

The basis of the belt is made up of paraffin-containing liners processed by the company's special wave technologies. The inserts act on the crystal lattice of stones, slowly loosening it, after which the stones gradually begin to crumble from above with sand.

The principle of operation of the Fizomed belt
The principle of operation of the Fizomed belt

Who is this device for?

The main feature of the Fizomed belt is the COMPLETE absence of contraindications! It is equally effective for people of all ages who suffer from the following ailments:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • colic in the kidneys;
  • urolithiasis at any stage.

At the same time, "Fizomed" not only removes symptoms, but also destroys the mechanism of the disease development. The device is useful to wear not only when the kidneys hurt, but also for rehabilitation purposes, when kidney stones were broken up by surgery.

Indications for the use of the Fizomed belt
Indications for the use of the Fizomed belt

Advantages of the Belt Compared to Standard Treatments

Unlike many other methods of treatment, Fizomed not only has no contraindications for use, but also has a wide range of advantages:

  • Weakens renal colic, while the widely used lithotripsy, on the contrary, can intensify them.
  • It acts in a sparing mode - in contrast to surgery and other popular methods of fighting the disease.
  • Has no side effects. For comparison, patients who choose drug treatment have to put up with various side effects of drugs.
  • Does not require taking other medications or performing surgery - the device is effective in itself.
  • Acts on two kidneys at once.
  • Easy to use.
  • Not addictive.
  • Compatibility with taking any medications.
  • The belt is not noticeable when worn in everyday life. You live a normal life and at the same time fight the disease. No hospitals, no injections, and no spending money on drugs.
  • It is completely painless. Perhaps this is one of the most important advantages, since surgery or lithotripsy does not go without painful sensations.

This state-of-the-art device will not do any harm as it does not have heating elements, magnets or electrical impulses. The belt stimulates the metabolic process, as well as lymphatic drainage and microcirculation. Regular wearing reduces the risk of complications and subsequent relapses.

Advantages of the Fizomed belt in comparison with standard methods of treatment
Advantages of the Fizomed belt in comparison with standard methods of treatment

The effect of regular use

  • After the first week of using the Fizomed belt, pulling pains in the lumbar zone disappear and renal colic weakens.
  • There is no need for an operation to remove stones.
  • The urinary system gets rid of salt and sand.
  • Kidney stones break down, after which they leave the kidneys in the form of sand.
  • Stagnation disappears, the functional of the excretory system grows.
  • Blood pressure stabilizes, severe headaches go away.
The effect of regular use of the Fizomed belt
The effect of regular use of the Fizomed belt

Scientific studies show that the effectiveness of the product exceeds 85%. Using it on an ongoing basis completely removes the likelihood of developing urolithiasis and improves overall health. According to these parameters, none of the existing methods of treatment can be compared with the Fizomed belt.

High efficiency combined with safety and ease of use - these are the qualities that distinguish Fizomed products and make them really necessary for people. The possibility of using the belt as a monotherapeutic agent on an outpatient basis frees patients from taking medications, which is an important fact in the current socio-economic conditions. The absence of any side effects is a significant advantage of this type of treatment.

The Fizomed belt not only helps to cope with the disease, but also eliminates its root cause!

Consultations of specialists by phone 8 (800) 234-08-74 (in Russia without payment) or on the company's website

You can order the Fizomed belt by calling 8 (800) 234-08-74 or the company's website

We accept orders from all regions of Russia, delivery by mail and express mail. Payment for the order upon receipt (cash on delivery) or by card through the company's website. Sending is carried out 2 times a week.

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