Husband In Childbirth: Pros And Cons

Husband In Childbirth: Pros And Cons
Husband In Childbirth: Pros And Cons

A man in childbirth: "for" or "against"?

Childbirth is the most important event in the life of every woman. After all, we - women give birth to a new man into this world. Currently, there is a tendency for men to also take part in childbirth. But the question arises, is it worth allowing your husbands to give birth?

Childbirth with her husband
Childbirth with her husband

Pros of partner birth

Many pregnant women want their husbands to take an active part in their pregnancy, namely: go to all the doctors, for an ultrasound scan, surf the open spaces of children's stores in search of a dowry for the baby. And as the culmination of all these actions, he took part in childbirth. However, to the doctors' question why a woman wants this, as a rule, one answer sounds: "To support me!" …

But, dear future mothers, believe me, support is, of course, important, but it will be better at a distance. After all, when the process of childbirth itself begins, you will have absolutely no time for your husband and his conversations. You only need to listen to the doctor and the midwife.

Let's look at this whole process through the eyes of a man. Yes, indeed, seeing how you suffer during labor, your husband will feel sorry for you. And even after childbirth, he will be aware of the work you have done so that your common baby was born. This is definitely a plus.

In addition, when your contractions just begin, your husband can massage your back, you can talk to him, distract yourself. This is the second plus. But as the contractions intensify, you will no longer have time to talk and massage.

The third and, in my opinion, the main positive moment, of the presence of her husband at childbirth, is that the newly-made young dad will be able to immediately take his child in his arms, hug him to him, share this great happiness with you. After all, your baby was born, your treasure!

Cons of giving birth together

But there are also disadvantages to all this. In addition to the joy that your man will experience at the end of childbirth, it will be a great stress for him. It has already been scientifically proven that a man's psyche is more vulnerable than a woman's.

Cons of giving birth with your husband
Cons of giving birth with your husband

Situations often arise that men cease to perceive young mothers precisely as women. Since they saw this whole process, saw the suffering of their beloved woman, they have a psychological barrier. They begin to perceive you only as the mother of their child, and not as a beloved woman. This problem can further affect family life and lead to divorce, which is just terrible stress for children.

But still, let's not forget that there are such men who themselves strive to get to childbirth, even if the woman resists. In this situation, you don't even have to think, the man has already decided everything!

Summing up, I will turn to future mothers. Dear mummies, if you are thinking of inviting your husband to give birth, think well, cock all the pros and cons, and make the right choice. In any case, good luck to everyone and an easy delivery!


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