Eating the right diet for menopause - eight powerful tips
The older a person becomes, the more dangerous the extra pounds are for him. People after 45 years of age need to monitor their diet more carefully than young people, because the tendency to be overweight increases with age.

There are two main reasons for the appearance of excess weight over the years: the first is a slowdown in metabolism, the second is the extinction of the reproductive system. Both reasons are associated with physiology, so you need to approach weight loss competently.
What is the connection between menopause and extra pounds and how to prevent the arrow of the weights from crawling up - read in this article.
Why does menopause lead to obesity?
During menopause, the amount of the female hormone estrogen decreases. When not enough estrogen is produced in the ovaries, our body tries to "get" it from reserve sources. One of them is adipose tissue. She also synthesizes estrogens, albeit in smaller quantities than the ovaries. Therefore, in order to make up for the lack of the female hormone, the body tries to “build up” adipose tissue. Hence - uncontrolled bouts of appetite and ineffectiveness of measures that we take to lose weight.
The second reason for weight gain during menopause lies in the head. Awareness of one's own age, the end of an important stage in life leads to stress, bad mood and depression. And the psyche has a sure way to solve all "unsolvable" problems - food. The "side effects" of this "therapy" are deposited on the abdomen and thighs.
So it turns out a vicious circle. Gaining weight leads to a bad mood, a bad mood - to seizing stress, a woman cannot stop and finally waves her hand at herself.

Of course, menopause and fullness are related. However, this does not mean that after the cessation of menstruation, a woman is doomed to be overweight and dissatisfied with herself. To rectify the situation, it is enough just … to look in the refrigerator.
How to eat during menopause?
By the age of 40-45, most modern women know everything or almost everything about losing weight. Here lies their most common mistake: they begin to lose weight according to the methods that everyone knows and which are suitable for young girls. Meanwhile, the main goal of women after 40 years is not to reduce, but to maintain weight. And here we need other rules.
Rule 1. Forget about diets. Instead, cut your portions in half. Gradually, your stomach will shrink and you will get used to eating less.
Rule 2. Count calories. The recommended calorie content is 1300-1500 kilocalories per day. This is enough to eat a variety of food every day and provide the body with everything it needs during the difficult period of hormonal changes.
Rule 3. Eat foods rich in calcium. Estrogen is necessary for the absorption of calcium, and therefore, when there is a lack of estrogen, calcium is more intensively washed out of the bones. As a result, bones become brittle, hair dull, and nails brittle. Let sour milk products be on your table every day: kefir or cottage cheese with a fat content of at least 2.5%. If you choose a lower fat content, remember that less calcium will be absorbed from it.

Rule 4. Give up fried. Stew, boil, and steam. This rule is as old as the world, but it is especially relevant for you. Remember: you can boil or bake food so that it tastes much better than fried. To help - hundreds of recipes and dozens of spices.
Rule 5. Eat at least 500 g of vegetables and fruits per day. Vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber, which creates a feeling of fullness, but does not lead to weight gain. Remember that it is advisable to choose vegetables and fruits according to the season.
Rule 6. Eat more fish and seafood. They will provide the body with protein and not add extra calories. Seafood is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These substances are essential for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Rule 7. Salts - to a minimum. Salt increases blood pressure and causes swelling. Both are often observed in women after 45 years. Reduce your salt intake to avoid being at risk. Condiments and soy sauce are great alternatives.
Rule 8. Eat soy products. Soy contains natural estrogen substitutes - phytoestrogens (soy isoflavones). Once in the body, they partially take on the functions of estrogen and eliminate the main cause of ailments during menopause. So try adding soy tofu, soy milk, and meat to your menu.
Soy isoflavones reduce the frequency of hot flashes, relieve muscle pain, and protect the genitourinary system, which is prone to inflammation and infection during menopause.
In addition to internal processes, the herbal estrogen substitute also affects our appearance. It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, substances that are responsible for skin elasticity and prevent wrinkles.

To constantly supply the body with the required amount of soy isoflavones, it is better to take special complexes, for example, Mensa's drug.
It contains soy isoflavones in an effective dosage that relieves sudden attacks of fever, palpitations and other symptoms of menopause.
The action of soy isoflavones in Mensa is supplemented by other active ingredients. The preparation also includes:
Beta-alanine amino acid - helps to quickly stop hot flashes, prevent their appearance and begins to act within half an hour after ingestion.
B vitamins - normalize the emotional state, relieve fatigue.
5-hydroxytryptophan - allows you to take control of appetite, eliminates insomnia and irritability.
Vitamin C is needed for the synthesis of estrogen and the absorption of calcium. It participates in the work of the immune system and is needed to protect the genitourinary system from cystitis, which is especially vulnerable during menopause.

Vitamin E is responsible for thermoregulation and vasodilation, that is, eliminates the direct cause of hot flashes. Prevents the appearance of wrinkles.
Folic acid - contributes to the preservation of its own estrogen.
Mensa will help you feel better during menopause by taking one capsule every day. The drug is safe, so it can be used for a long time.
By combining the Mensa complex with proper nutrition, you will not only reduce the frequency of hot flashes, but you can also avoid gaining extra pounds.
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