How To Get Away From A Summer Cold?

How To Get Away From A Summer Cold?
How To Get Away From A Summer Cold?

How to get away from a summer cold?

This summer in Russia turned out to be very controversial. The regions suffered from merciless heat, then from torrential rains, at times hail fell, then there was a heat again, which again alternated with precipitation. Many people suffer from such sudden changes in weather. There were even recorded epidemics of influenza and SARS.

Causes of the summer cold
Causes of the summer cold

It would seem, how can you catch a cold in the summer? But, experts assure that the cause of a cold can be not only a draft or communication with a person carrying the virus. Changeable weather also does its dirty work.

Insidious helpers of the common cold

A person who is constantly in the city, dangers lie in wait everywhere - in the heat it is easy to overcool your body with an air conditioner or cold drinks. It is enough to sit under the split system in the office for a short time in order to start coughing the next day and suffer from a runny nose. It should also be understood that air conditioners pretty dry up the air, and the room becomes just a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. They easily penetrate through the nose and mouth, and the person does not notice how he gets sick. Remember that air conditioners are best used in combination with a humidifier. Drinking drinks with a lot of ice in hot weather is also very harmful - the result will not be long in coming!

Especially, it is impossible to abuse such a shock method of cooling the body for people with weak immunity. All residents of megalopolises suffer from stress - the environment of the city negatively affects their well-being. And if a person is in constant stress, then the protective armor of his body can be easily penetrated by viruses and bacteria.

It is necessary to remember about safety measures when traveling by transport. Many motorists do not use air conditioning and prefer to open their windows. In such cases, the wind can cause otitis media. You should not go to extremes and completely abandon cooling devices, you just need to set the optimum temperature for them. It should not be below 20-23 degrees.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of ARVI in the summer. Therefore, it is imperative to pay due attention to the prevention of viral diseases.

Know the password and see the landmark

Which drug to choose? The abundance of medicines on the shelves of the pharmacy is confusing, they have approximately the same formulations and a large price run. Is it always expensive, then effective? People in Russia are increasingly choosing the drug "Citovir-3".

Effective cold remedies
Effective cold remedies

Experts recommend it as one of the most effective drugs, the action of which is aimed at preventing and treating ARVI and strengthening the immune system. The fact is that it contains nothing superfluous, and the main active components (sodium thymogen, bendazole and ascorbic acid) are aimed at the production of interferons, which in turn prevent the virus from multiplying in the body, and also block the process of viral protein synthesis. Already in the first 24 hours, after taking the first dose of the drug, the effect occurs. The body begins to fight viruses by activating its own defenses. The undoubted advantages of the drug "Cytovir-3" is that it is effective and fast in action, it is also very important that this drug is available in several forms. Adults prefer capsulesand syrup is ideal for children. Also in the line "Cytovira-3" there is also a medicine in the form of a powder. It does not contain sucrose, which means it is suitable for children suffering from diathesis, neurodermatitis. The powder "Citovir-3", which has no side effects at all, is worth paying attention to adults who suffer from diabetes or have a tendency to allergies to drugs.

We react quickly and correctly

It's August and we are already mentally saying goodbye to summer. How I want to snatch out more warm days. Summer adventures are so nice to remember on rainy autumn and winter evenings. And so that the impressions of a trip to the country house with the whole family or a hike to the mountains are not overshadowed by memories of the temperature of the youngest son, or the incessant cold of the dad, it is necessary to take measures in advance. With prevention, everything is clear - it is better to prevent a disease than to cure it for a long time and painfully. But what if the family got sick? It's elementary in nature. Overheated in the sun and climbed to swim in the cool river, after the water sat in the cool wind … In the morning, the whole family, instead of going for an early fishing trip, lies with a temperature of 39, and my mother runs between the beds of "patients".

When the disease comes suddenly and it makes no sense to talk about the prevention of influenza, it is necessary to respond correctly to the virus in the first hours. For the treatment to be effective, it is also necessary to give the sick Citovir-3. It is combined with symptomatic drugs: pain relievers, antipyretic, antitussive drugs. Simple and fast. Detailed instructions for "Tsitovir-3" can be found on the drug's website.

Protected against the flu in the city and on vacation

Having provided yourself and your loved ones with first aid in the treatment of colds, you should still visit a doctor. Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and distinguish a common cold or flu from a serious illness, the symptoms of which may be similar. You should also consult your doctor when choosing prophylactic agents. Tsitovir-3 is recommended by many Russian doctors. The effectiveness of the drug has been confirmed by clinical trials, and the main criterion is its popularity among Russian consumers. Many Russian parents note a rapid decrease in symptoms and a positive trend in the speed of recovery of children after taking Citovir-3 powder. It is also very important for mothers that one of the advantages of Cytovir-3 is the complete absence of side effects. In powder form, it should be given to children from 1 to 6 years old.

Syrup Tsitovir-3 for children
Syrup Tsitovir-3 for children

But, at the same time, experts also remind that in addition to medicines, one should remember about basic safety measures during the seasons of colds. Ventilate the room more often, wash your hands with soap, wear gauze masks in health care facilities, and take a vitamin complex. Be healthy!

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