Herpes sore throat in children: treatment, symptoms, consequences
The content of the article:
- The reasons for the development of pathology
- Symptoms of herpes sore throat in children
- How to distinguish herpes sore throat from other forms of the disease
- Treatment of herpes sore throat in children
- Effects
- Prevention
- Video
Herpes sore throat in children most often develops between the ages of 3 and 12 years, but in some cases the disease is diagnosed in children under one year old. Treatment should be started from the first day of the disease. With proper therapy, the symptoms of pathology completely disappear on the 7-10th day.

For the timely start of treatment, when the first signs of the disease appear, you need to consult a doctor
Herpes sore throat is an infectious disease, which is characterized by the presence of papules on the mucous membrane of the larynx, resembling a rash with herpes. In children, the symptoms are more pronounced. After the illness, the child develops a strong immunity to the pathogen.
The reasons for the development of pathology
In almost 95% of cases of herpes sore throat in children, the causative agent is the Coxsackie virus of groups A and B. Less often, the disease develops as a result of infection with other enteroviruses.

The causative agent of herpes sore throat is most often the Coxsackie virus
In very rare cases, pathogens such as:
- herpes type 6. In this case, the symptoms of angina are combined with baby roseola;
- cytomegalovirus. The diagnosis is difficult, since the characteristic rash on the mucous membrane of the tonsils is absent;
- Epstein-Barr virus. In this case, the baby is diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis.
The causative agent of the disease enters the child's body in the following ways:
- airborne. Most often, infection occurs in this way. A person becomes the source of the disease almost immediately after infection, even if the symptoms of pathology are still absent. A large number of viruses are found in saliva and nasal mucus and are released into the air when you cough, sneeze or talk;
- contact and household. Infection can occur while using common household items or through dishes.

The causative agent of the disease can be transmitted by contact-household method
The development of the disease is influenced by:
- weakness of the immune system;
- lack of vitamins and minerals in the body;
- chronic diseases of the ENT organs;
- hypothermia of the body;
- eating cold drinks or food;
- living in areas with an unfavorable ecological situation;
- neurological diseases;
- frequent stressful situations;
- a tendency to allergies.
Symptoms of herpes sore throat in children
The incubation period usually lasts 7-10 days. During this period, the virus that gets on the mucous membranes is introduced into the body. During this time, there are no pronounced symptoms of the disease, the baby may have no appetite, lethargy and moodiness are observed. In this case, the child himself is a source of infection and can infect other children.
After the end of the incubation period, the disease develops as follows:
- first day: abruptly, within 2-3 hours, the body temperature rises to 39-41 ° C, against which chills, vomiting, confusion or febrile convulsions may appear. Then the mucous membrane of the tonsils, the back of the tongue and palate is covered with small red bubbles, which contain serous fluid. During the day, the rash becomes transparent whitish. The diameter of the papules is 1 to 2 mm. Each of them is surrounded by a bright red rim, it is impossible to squeeze it out, as this causes severe pain. The mucous membrane of the larynx becomes red and swollen;
- Day 2–3: The body temperature drops slightly, and the child develops pain in muscles and joints, as well as upset stool. The kid becomes lethargic, refuses to eat and does not sleep well. He has a severe sore throat, which is maximized when swallowing. Regional lymph nodes increase in size and become painful;
- 3-4 days: the body temperature rises again to the maximum figures, and the symptoms of intoxication increase. 5-6 new papules can be added to the existing vesicles;
- Day 4–5: body temperature drops to 37–37.5 ° C. Bubbles in the throat spontaneously break open, and small ulcers are found under them;
- 5-6 days: the child's condition improves, the body temperature returns to normal, the sore throat becomes weaker, and the discomfort in the joints and muscles disappears;
- Day 7–8: the crusts that cover the ulcers disappear and recovery occurs. The lymph nodes shrink, although inflammation in them may persist for up to two weeks.
How to distinguish herpes sore throat from other forms of the disease
Before starting treatment, herpes sore throat must be correctly diagnosed, since the use of antibiotics in this case is not a vital necessity.
Unlike other forms of the disease, herpes sore throat in children is most often observed in summer or early fall, while the peak of other forms of tonsillitis occurs in late autumn, winter and spring.

One of the main symptoms of the disease is a rash in the throat.
At the initial stage, herpetic sore throat is distinguished from catarrhal, follicular and lacunar according to the following features:
- the presence of a bright red rash, which changes its color during the day and becomes whitish (how the rash looks like can be seen in the photo);
- undulating course of the disease, increased body temperature on the first and third days of the disease;
- the presence of dyspeptic symptoms such as bloating, nausea, vomiting, upset stools;
- sore throat does not radiate to the ears or temples, but is felt as a tingling sensation.
Treatment of herpes sore throat in children
How to treat herpes sore throat in children? According to the famous pediatrician EO Komarovsky, there are no drugs that can kill the virus. The child's immune system must cope with it on its own, and the parents' task is to help their baby fight the disease.
Therapy should help to reduce the concentration of the virus in the body, improve the patient's condition and prevent the development of complications.
In the vast majority of cases, treatment is carried out at home. Only weakened children who have concomitant pathologies, or in case of suspicion of complications, are sent to the hospital.

The air in the nursery should be humid and cool
In order for the treatment of the disease to be effective, parents need to follow these recommendations:
- the child must comply with bed rest. Long walks or active games should be avoided;
- the air in the room where the baby is located should be moist and cool, this helps to lower the body temperature and does not allow the mucous membranes to dry out;
- the pajamas the child is wearing should be made of natural fabrics, breathable and absorb moisture quickly. At a high body temperature, you can not wrap the baby, preventing heat transfer. Babies need to be temporarily removed from a diaper that covers a large area of the body.
The child should be given plenty of fluids. Drinking plenty of fluids increases sweat production, which makes it possible to reduce the concentration of the virus in the blood and lower body temperature. The kid can be offered tea, fruit drink, juice, compote or mineral water. The temperature of the drinks should be at room temperature, as too hot or cold liquid irritates the damaged mucous membrane.
Because the illness is accompanied by a severe sore throat, the baby should not be force-fed, even if he begins to lose weight. If necessary, you can give ground food at room temperature. Do not be afraid of refusing to eat, after the disease recedes, the baby will quickly gain the lost weight.
In order to avoid infection of other family members with herpes sore throat, the patient must be provided with a separate dish and towel.
In order to alleviate the condition, the following drugs are used:
- antipyretics based on ibuprofen or paracetamol (Nurofen, Panadol). These medicines not only help to reduce high body temperature, but also relieve sore throat;
- antiseptics. This group of drugs includes lozenges, lozenges, oral lozenges and aerosols containing an anesthetic that helps relieve sore throat. These drugs do not shorten the duration of treatment, but they can slightly reduce the pain in the throat.
Some doctors recommend rinsing for symptomatic treatment. This helps to relieve the condition and relieve pain. For these purposes, you can use alkaline mineral water, decoctions of chamomile, calendula or sage, as well as propolis tincture.

For rinsing, you can use a decoction of chamomile
With herpes sore throat in children, it is not recommended:
- use antibiotics. Since the causative agent of the disease is a virus, the drugs of this group are powerless against it. On the contrary, the use of antibacterial agents can be a blow to the baby's immune system, as a result of which the disease will last;
- give the child drugs against herpes (Acyclovir, Valavir, Gerpevir). Despite the fact that angina is called herpes, its causative agent does not belong to the herpes virus, therefore such treatment will not give the desired effect;
- apply warming compresses to the neck area or carry out warming procedures. This will lead to an improvement in blood circulation in this area, which, in turn, activates pathogens and intensifies the inflammatory process;
- use a quartz lamp. Quartzization will not help get rid of the virus, but with a high probability it can cause a burn;
- use antiseptic aerosols containing iodine. Such products can cause burns to the mucous membrane, resulting in increased pain and discomfort.
You need to immediately call an ambulance in the following cases:
- dehydration, which is accompanied by the refusal of the child from food and drink. A sunken fontanelle, crying without tears and lack of urination for 8 hours can become a sign of dehydration in infants. In an older child, dry and chapped lips are a sign of fluid loss;
- febrile convulsions that appear against a background of increased body temperature.
Despite the fact that herpes sore throat in children is very difficult, with proper and timely treatment, negative consequences can be avoided. The disease does not become chronic, and in the future, the child's body acquires strong immunity to the virus.
In very rare cases, if the baby's immune system is severely weakened, complications may arise:
- encephalitis;
- meningitis;
- pyelonephritis;
- myocarditis.
Sometimes, in the process of the disease, against the background of a weakened immunity, a bacterial infection occurs. This is a serious problem and requires antibiotic treatment.
In order to avoid infection with herpes sore throat, you must:
- isolate the child during the epidemic from infected people;
- monitor the child's nutrition;
- teach the baby to follow the rules of personal hygiene, wash hands after visiting public places;
- control the use of ice cream or cold drinks;
- timely treat colds.

In order to prevent the development of the disease, it is important to teach the child to follow the rules of personal hygiene.
Herpes sore throat at a young age is quite common, and most children have encountered this virus. Treatment of such a disease requires some patience, since there are no effective drugs that can affect the causative agent of the disease. If you identify symptoms that indicate the development of herpes sore throat, you should seek the advice of a pediatrician or otolaryngologist.
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Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author
Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".
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