Slimming needle

Being overweight is an aesthetic problem. In addition, excess weight negatively affects human health. Therefore, specialists are currently developing all kinds of methods and programs for the treatment of obesity. The Gold Slimming Needle is an effective and safe program designed for body shaping and weight loss. Many people dream of getting rid of extra pounds using a method in which they would not have to severely limit themselves in food and resort to physical activity. It is this method with the help of a golden needle for weight loss that was created by a specialist reflexologist Maria Mukhina.
The principle of the needles for weight loss
This method of losing weight is based not only on inserting a needle into the auricle, but also on observing a special diet, as well as on the use of corporal reflexology to tighten the skin of the face and chin. The needle in the ear for weight loss affects the entire human body as a whole.
With regular use of a slimming needle, the correct metabolism is formed, the correct attitude to the quantity and quality of food consumed.
Reviews about the weight loss needle say that if you follow all the rules of this method, then in a fairly short period of time you can correct your figure, tighten your skin, restore the metabolic rate, and reduce your appetite.
Nutritionists, in reviews of the weight loss needle, claim that this device helps to reduce the calorie content of food consumed. When you wear the slimming needle in your ear regularly, food is processed and absorbed faster. This method of losing weight is interesting in that it does not require special financial costs and efforts. In the process of losing weight, a person's physiological and emotional states are stabilized. Many diseases simply disappear, since their elimination required only cleansing the body. With such weight loss, the condition of the hair, skin and appearance in general improves, insomnia disappears, and the full functioning of many organs is restored.
There are about 200 biologically active points on the human ear. Stimulating these points has a beneficial effect on the organs concerned. According to Mukhina's method, the needle in the ear for weight loss should be injected at the point of thirst, and withdrawn through the point of hunger.
It is no coincidence that slimming needles are made of gold. Experts believe that it is this noble metal that has the necessary conductivity and has a specific effect on saturation centers. With such an effect, the signal of satiety enters the hypothalamus much earlier, and the body does not need a large amount of food to be satiated.
In parallel with the introduction of a weight loss needle, it is necessary to act on certain biologically active points in order to stimulate the regenerative processes taking place directly in the skin. Indeed, due to significant weight loss, the skin can sag. Corporate reflexology promotes soft, non-surgical skin tightening, which has a beneficial effect on both the skin and internal organs.
When wearing a needle in the ear for weight loss, sugar, alcohol, fatty and flour dishes, bread should be excluded from the diet. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese, and fiber-rich foods every day. You need to have breakfast no later than 9 am, and dinner no later than 6 pm. If, due to work or lifestyle, all the requirements of the method of getting rid of excess weight with the help of needles for weight loss cannot be fulfilled, then similar treatment can be considered futile.

A month and a half after the introduction of a slimming needle into the auricle, you need to contact a specialist so that he can evaluate the effectiveness of this treatment. The needle must be worn for at least three months. This period can be extended if necessary.
Contraindications to the use of a gold slimming needle
A slimming needle cannot be used for hormonal and mental disorders, for neoplasms (both benign and malignant).
Experts do not recommend using this device during breastfeeding and pregnancy, as well as with individual intolerance to gold products or acupuncture, with convulsive syndromes, heart, renal and liver failure, and anemia.
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