Thread Lifting - Indications, Benefits, Effectiveness

Thread Lifting - Indications, Benefits, Effectiveness
Thread Lifting - Indications, Benefits, Effectiveness

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Thread lifting

Thread lifting
Thread lifting

Often, carried away by the pursuit of beauty and youth, a person does not notice how he is losing what is left. Everyone knows women and men whose faces, after a series of plastic surgeries, acquired the same mask-like features - correct, but few perceive such a face as attractive, since facial expressions and naturalness are lost. In addition, plastic surgery is always associated with a health risk, do not forget that this is a full-fledged operation, and because it is performed not for health reasons, but at the patient's whim, it does not become easier for the body. Thread lifting is a facelift method that is an excellent alternative to the classic facelift.

Thread lifting, although it is carried out under anesthesia, like a conventional operation, is minimally invasive, that is, it requires minimal disruption of tissue integrity, which means that the drug load on the body in the form of anesthesia will be much less. Surgical intervention lasts no more than half an hour. The essence of the operation is that special medical threads with notches are inserted through punctures in certain places in the tissue of the face. Threads with notches, passing through the fabric, pull it, and then fix it. The skin is tightened taking into account the movement of the expression muscles and the natural lines of the face. The effect of the operation is visible literally on the operating table, although, of course, a little rehabilitation is still required, but it will take much less time than with conventional plastic surgery.

One of the advantages of thread lifting is the fact that the effect of the operation increases over time. The fact is that any foreign substance that has entered the human body is encapsulated, that is, it becomes overgrown with dense connective tissue that separates it from the rest of the facial tissues. Thus, the tissues through which the threads pass become denser and more elastic, which means that the contours of the face will be clearer, which is typical of young age. To avoid aging at all, of course, will not work, but to slow it down - very much even.

Unlike a conventional facelift, thread lifting does not disrupt facial expressions, does not damage facial structures, and does not smooth out individual features. After such an intervention, the face continues to look natural, and what is important - there are no postoperative scars, even the most hidden ones. Most often they resort to thread lifting of the face, but in fact, this method can eliminate sagging skin in any places - on the inner surface of the arms and thighs, buttocks, under the lower jaw, on the neck, etc.

Thread lifting
Thread lifting

The indications for thread lifting are age-related changes in persons over 30 years of age. Most often, people aged 35-50 years resort to surgery. Contraindications, despite the safety of the method, also exist - these are standard contraindications that prohibit surgical interventions in people suffering from severe chronic pathology of the immune and cardiovascular systems, diabetes mellitus, cancer, and skin diseases.

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