Best hangover remedies

What a hangover is, probably, you do not need to tell anyone. The realities of our life are such that every adult has experienced this state at least once in his life. Its peculiarity is that being in a hangover, a person is ready to give, if not everything, anything, then at least a lot to stop this painful state as soon as possible. Thus, the search for an effective hangover cure is important from time to time for most of the adult population of our country, and for certain groups of the population, this issue remains relevant all the time.
Of course, thanks to the wealth of experience accumulated in this area, hangover remedies have been found, and besides, the list is constantly being updated. They all have varying degrees of effectiveness and health benefits. Having dedicated this article to a description of some of them, we will focus only on the simplest and safest, those that certainly will not harm the body, exhausted by abundant libations.
Hangover is largely due to severe dehydration. Therefore, first of all, measures should be aimed at restoring the water balance. Hangover remedy number one is clear water. Nothing helps replenish fluid loss better than drinking water. Note that it is water, not tea, or even more so coffee. The fact is that tonic drinks remove liquid. In a normal state, a person will not notice this - just think, he will drink two sips more water. But with a hangover, when dehydration is already significant, the loss of even a small amount of precious moisture will result in additional stress for the body and torment for its owner.
A proven folk remedy like cucumber pickle is indeed an effective hangover cure. The reason is both in salt, which helps the body retain water, and in the well-balanced vitamin and mineral composition of cucumber brine, especially in the presence of B vitamins in it, which are necessary to combat poisoning. It also has its own "but" - only cucumber pickle from under barrel cucumbers, salted in the classical way, is suitable for the role of savior. No pickles and lightly salted cucumbers, in extreme cases - cabbage pickle, but also from under the classic sauerkraut.

Bath procedures complete our list. The Finnish sauna works best as a hangover remedy, as it stimulates perspiration, and together with sweat, toxins are eliminated. A properly organized Russian bath will do. If the mortal body, which is in a severe hangover, cannot afford such a feat as getting to the sauna or bath, you can try to do with a contrast shower. The effect, of course, is less significant, but still it's better than nothing.
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