What is normal blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the most important indicator of the state of the cardiovascular system, its measurement is one of the simplest and at the same time highly informative diagnostic method, used very widely, including at home. By measuring the existing pressure, it is compared with the norm to determine the deviations. However, a person's pressure rate is not an immutable value. Pressure changes depending on age, physical activity, psycho-emotional state, time of day, even ambient temperature. In addition, there are individual characteristics of the heart and the state of blood vessels. With this in mind, we can talk about a certain corridor within which blood pressure will be considered normal.
Blood pressure is determined by two indicators - systolic and diastolic, which are recorded through a flush - first systolic, then diastolic, and both are measured in millimeters of mercury. Systolic pressure is also called heart pressure, it depends on the strength of the heartbeat, it is an indicator of the pressure of blood in the arteries at the time it leaves the heart. Diastolic pressure is called vascular, it demonstrates what the resistance of the vascular wall is at the moment when the heart muscle contracts, thereby characterizing the state of the vessels. Systolic pressure is normally 40-50 units more than diastolic. The following figures are taken for the norm of pressure in humans: 90-140 mm Hg. for systolic pressure (first number), and 50-80 mm Hg for diastolic (second number).
Since there are individual characteristics, and the rate of pressure in one person may differ significantly from that of another, they speak of working pressure. Working pressure is the normal pressure for a particular person. So, in people prone to hypotension (low blood pressure), the normal pressure is 90/50 mm Hg, and therefore, for such a person, an indicator of 130/80 will no longer be too safe. On the contrary, in a hypertensive person with a working pressure of 140/80, a pressure of 100/60 will be a clear sign of ill health, and the person will feel unwell.
Therefore, each person must know his own norm in order to be guided by it later. It remains only to add that in order to determine the norm of pressure in a person, it is necessary to measure the pressure several times at rest, with good health and the absence of anxiety. The arithmetic mean will be an indicator of the working pressure of a given person, and when the doctor during a medical examination asks: "What is your normal pressure?", He expects to hear this particular parameter.
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